So I did something new the other day. I went on a holiday by myself. Never tried that one before. Sure I have travelled alone, but going on a holiday is different. But I'm telling you, it's awesome.
I have been to Melbourne a few times now, but never seen anything of Victoria, so I took advantage of my enemployed status and hit the Great Ocean Road. It is such an amazing drive. I stayed in a little town called Camperdown, about an hour out of Warrnambool and spent 3 days just chillin around, having a look at stuff.
Next time I do this drive, I definately want to do it in a car that is a little more fancy that my 20 year old Mazda, but considering her age, Clemmy did herself proud me thinks.
The current plan has me in Melbourne for at least another month or so, and I am definatly looking to try and get a few more road trips in there. This place has everything!
So this is what there is to see:
These are the rocks
More rocks.
Me with the rocks.
Clemmy soaking up the view.
How scary is this sign? Considering this is about 500km from the nearest airport, you'd want to hope that by the time they got here they would have figured it out??? :-)
And then, I took a C grade road. I knew that in the UK A road were good, B roads were ok, and C roads, well C roads you take what you can get. Forgetting all this applied in Australia I took a C road, and well, I got what I was given. It got a bit rocky there in my little beast, Clemmy doesn't have the biggest wheels in the world, but after about an hour of bumping along this dirt track I made my way back.