Wednesday, November 21, 2007

The Plan! - Take 25

So I've come up with another plan.... (strange and out of character I know...)

But the plan is this:

12.12 Pack all I own (and that will fit) in the little car and drive south.
13.12 Keep driving south
14.12 After a little more driving in a southerly direction I should arrive in Sydney!!
15.12 Hang in Sydney
16.12 More hanging
17.12 Hang some more
18.12 Pack the little beast again, and drive south again.
19.12 Drive a little more south and a little to the left, or is that west, or inland, or maybe just in a more downishly direction.. but in any case, I should arrive in Melbourne around the 19!!!! Hurrah!!!
20.12 Hang in Melbourne
21.12 More hanging
22.12 Hang some more
and so on and so forth until it comes time for me to get a job and stop bludging off my sister.

So I do realise that this plan will only take me to Christmas, and that there is probably some more planning that needs to go on.. but, all that being said, I have a reasonable idea what I am doing for over a month ahead.. and that is definite progress.

Really looking forward to catching up with everyone in SY and MB, missing you all like crazy.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Just found this

Was going through my gmail unstaring emails from long ago, and came across this thing i had written and felt inspired to share..

Jeanie Mayo came and spoke at church a couple of months ago, she asked one of the guys to come up on stage and hold her glass of water, then she bumped him and the water spilt all over the stage. She kept talking, and then bumped him again, the water spilt. She did this one more time and then asked him why the water was spilling. He turned around and said it was because this beautiful woman kept bumping him, (crawler) we all laughed until she said no, it was because there was water in the glass to begin with. Interesting thought.

See the reason that I would get angry at things that were happening was because there was anger inside of me. Do you get what I mean? If I was at peace and at rest, then it would have been fine. Like they said at leadership, we are a tube of toothpaste, squeeze us and what is inside comes out. You can't blame the person doing the squeezing if you don't like the flavour. (did they say that at leadership, or did I just make that up??)

But it is an interesting thought hey? What if I couldn't blame my circumstance for how I was feeling, what if I really was responsible for all my actions. Like really. How often do we just blame everything on the circumstances, how often do we get angry at the person who is making us mad, rather than dealing with the anger that is on the inside?

This whole theory is so much bigger than just anger, it counts for everything. Joy, fear, aggression, love, compassion, jealousy. What if we all stopped for a moment and took on some accountability for how we were reacting to things. I'm thinking it would make a bit of a big difference.

Anyway, this is my plan. I am going to work on having more love and compassion inside, so that when i get squeezed, I give out something that will do good for the world, and for me, and for the people around me. Sounds a little go-save-the-world-ish to me, but then, if we're not trying to save the world, what are we doing here really? Wow, in trying to lighten this whole thing up i think i just made it a whole lot deeper.. thinking i am going to leave it at that. :-)

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

You an Aussie???? Eh????

I just came across a phrase:

Ask the master to pass a banana.

Sounds a little odd? Maybe, but what a fantastic way to tell if someone is a aussie! There is no way that you can fake that one.

Was chatting to my cousin the other day, and she said that she had met a a guy who backpacked through Oz for a bit and had defined Australia's in like this..

If they come from Adelaide, they ask you what church you go to.
If they come from Melbourne, they ask you what school you went to.
If they come from Sydney, they ask you how much you earn.
And if they come from Brisbane, they ask you in for a cup of tea.

Pretty accurate, I've been an aussie all my life and have never been able to define it like that. Got to love the outside perspective.

While we're talking about people from different perspectives.. just have to tell you what happened to me the other day. I went to a gun shop the other day (long story) and was totally shocked at what I saw. There were one Pauline Hanson poster with her hugging a aussie flag, a signed photo of Pauline, and this amazing sign, it said "Austrians against immigration, protect the Australian identity" Have you ever heard of such a thing?

Now I don't want to put anyone down here, and I really don't want to offend. But if we against immigration, and all about protecting the aussie identity, then should we all really be adopting Aboriginal culture. After all, we're all immigrants after them.

My view is my view, but I tell you what, every time I meet someone new I learn, I grow, I learn to look at things differently. We all have so much to learn. Just because someone is born is Australia, or says "Ask the master to pass a banana" the same way I do, that by now way means to say that we share the same views, or have any greater right to live in Australia than I do.

Now I know I am probably getting a little carried away with all this, but what is nationality about anyway? I mean, really, look at it, the English settled in Australia, but now, because of a law someone decided to pass, I cannot stay in England, the English can only stay in Australia for a limited time as well, yet all of the EU countries can come and go as they please.

And while I'm on it... lets just talk about property ownership for a bit. How on earth can we really justify the purchase of a piece of land. If you start from the beginning, who are you going to buy it off? God?? The chemicals that caused the big bang? How did we come upon the concept that we can own a piece of earth and control who can and cannot walk upon it? Where did we get that right?

Anyway, a bit of a ramble, but these are my thoughts. Nothing against anyone political views, and nothing against property ownership. Sometimes I just get thinking about these things.