Thursday, May 31, 2007

Kiama Ward Visit

In an attempt to fight the I-live-with-you-but-don't-ever-spend-time-with-you thing, last weekend the palatial ladies went on a bit of a road trip to Kiama. It was the most amazing day, and the most amazing trip. There is something magic about spending a day is a cute little aussie town with nothing to achieve and no place to rush off to.

We stayed in a room above the Kiama local pub (tick that one off the list) and spent the morning just hanging around looking at the local markets, checking out the blowhole and sitting dangerously high on the edge of the cliff.

These ladies that I live with have become some of my best friends in the world. Just today when I got in the car to leave for work I found the most lovliest card and a perfect gift sitting on my dashboard waiting for me. I don't think I have ever felt more spoilt in my life.

We were talking on the trip about the new season that we are all heading into, and I truely believe that God has put us all in this place and in eachothers lives for a reason. It is only when you really know who you are, and how much you are valued and loved that you are able to give that confidence and grace back to the world. I have been encouraged and loved, inspired and made stronger by these women who are the most amazing example to me. Thank you, more than words can say, thank you.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

The Tetris Queen

We had a Tetris-off today. Yes yes... I am the best. I won. Not that it's about winning at all... :-)

Half an hour of intense competition, there was shouting, waving away of bosses attempting to steal my attention, I had to ignore the phone a few times, and at one stage actually did ask my boss to just hold off for a sec as I was about to win... but really could your lunch hour be dedicated to a better cause??? (ok, so maybe when talking about causes this doesn't seem so important, but you get what I mean.. right???)

This is the link..

The rules?
You've got 1/2 an hour, you must never have played this version before, and then you play as many times as you can to get the highest score you can in 30 minutes...

I got 24,452. Winner Winner Winner!!! Winfred would be proud...

If your keen let us know how you go... and no cheating.. and girls, if you're keen for a rematch I'm up for it anytime.

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Alive again.. almost..

So this past week has been the biggest wipe-out ever... I think I have had the worst cold in the whole entire world and that no one, ever, like ever, has ever been as sick as I was.. or maybe that's an exaggeration.. maybe.. but I was sick.

And then last night, randomly, after a day of Sense and Sensibility, and Pride and Prejudice, I got off the couch. It was amazing, it all just felt better all of the sudden (maybe deep inside I was worried that I was going sitting through just a little too much Jane Austin, maybe it was self-preventatice). Anyway, just wanted to post a shout-out to my amazing flatties who took care of me, and loved my even though I was diseased. THANK YOU!

And to Kim.. so sorry I didn't get a chance to wish you the Happiest Birthday ever on your actual birthday... but I hope you had the most fantastical birthday ever! And hope that the party was awesome, looking forward to seeing all the photos (of all of the outfits!) Love ya lots lady, hope you got the v special day that you deserve! xxxo!

Sunday, May 13, 2007


I got my sponsor magazine from Compassion yesterday.

This was the photo of the little guy on the front

Is he not the cutest thing that you have ever seen?!

Brian gave the most amazing message last night, it was all about what he called the Justice Generation. I was so inspired, so encouraged.

In an month from yesterday I am going to meet my little compassion child, his name is Thembo. I keep finding myself trying to imagine what kind of a life he lives, what his house looks like, what his parents are like, his brothers and sisters, his friends, his school, everything. To be honest I don't think the picture I am coming up with is going to be even remotely accurate.

I am being asked a lot what I am going to do when I come back from this trip, where I am going to live, what job I am going to have, and if I am going to finally go and finish / start my education. These are all really good questions, but also questions that I really don't want to answer. I don't want to lock myself into something now that I am going to feel obligated to complete when I come back. I want this trip to change my view on things, I don't want to come back the same. I want to learn, I want to grow, I want to be even more inspired that ever to make a difference in the world I live in. I have no idea how that is going to be outworked, but I do believe that if you ask for a heart for injustice, if you ask for eyes to see what is going on in the world, it will be given to you, and that can only be a good thing.

Sunday, May 06, 2007

Candid Camera

I was walking down to get some fresh bread yesterday morning, and was thinking about how long I have been living here, and how little I knew about the local area. So we went to have a look around, and found the most amazing beach ever. It's tucked away in Port Botany, there were the upside-down trees, white sand, shells, clear water, planes flying close in over head coming into land, massive big ships, a port with big container things and cranes, and a pelican, all within a 50 meter radius. It was all a bit random, but awesome at the same time.

Last weekend my mum came to visit. It was so good to see her. I was feeling all proud of myself yesterday, as it had only taken me a week to get all the photos to her. Problem is, there were two photos of mum, 5 photos of me, and about 25 photos of the giraffes at the zoo. I really do like giraffes, but I like mum more :-)

I have this crazy tendency to get a little obsessed with things, and then take 1000 photos of that, and nothing of anything else. Like when we went to beach yesterday, I took 10 photos of this shell I like, and none of me, and just one of Em.

I am about to go on this massive trip, and I can just see me coming home with 100's of photos of trees or sunrises, and like none of my sponsor child, or all the friends that I am going to visit.

It was awesome when Kim was here, we would go somewhere, we'd come home, me with 20 photos of a rock or something, and her with all these great shots of us and the people we were hanging out with, as well a one or two of the rock.

Not sure where I am going with this, but I guess I am asking for help. When I see y'all on the trip, and get all interested in something on the ground, could you all please gentle tap me on the shoulder and remind me that in a few years when I go to look back on all these trips, the thing that I am going to want to remember most is all of you, and not the grass, lovely as it may be. :-)

All that being said, I did get some good shots of the giraffes...