Monday, June 23, 2008

Done & Done

I have been thinking about posting this for a while, but I haven't been feeling very inspired, or interested, or even slightly animated. So I decided to wait until I was. That was on Thursday. It's Monday. So I am just going to give up and post.
It's not like I have anything that profound to say anyway. Just that I finished my first semester back at uni. I am now 1/2 way through my undergrad. I am excited. And tired. And getting old :-)

In an attempt to make this post a little more interesting - here is a photo of my desk. I spent a lot of time here over the last 3 months, probably not as much time as I should have... but that is another issue. The photo is of all the papers I had to read this semester... Me look smart eh??

1 comment:

Clovergirl said...

Ooh, I like how the papers are different colours! That must make them more fun to read.
There is logic there.