Sunday, June 24, 2007


Week two in Uganda, and I have seem and experienced more than i thought I would in the entire trip!

This place is amazing and I am in love! Before you get too worried I am talking about the kids, not some african man I am planning to marry... they are the most beautiful things in the world, and am seriously considering taking a few home with me... ok maybe not, but am coming to the decision that kids are actually wonderful, beautiful and fantastic for hugging!

The people we are staying with have been looking after us so well. it feels a lot safer than brazil even though the poverty is on a different level. We have finished building, and would like to say that I am a master builder, but unfortunately, I am not sure that the style they taught us here would cut it in Oz.. I can mix mortar, lay bricks, do corners and even cut mud bricks with a trowel. Think that will help get me a job?

We go to visit our sponsor children tomorrow, 7 hours drive to get there, and then we stay over night to go to their villiage on tuesday. I think that I am actually going to be able to see where he lives and where he goes to school and everything, which will be great. We went to a market to get some things yesterday, and teh whole processs of bargining and getting the best price was the most interesting thing ever. I am not sure how many white people they get in this place, but my thought is not many. They even offered to marry me! Could have something to do with my passport.. but details details..

Haven't got the camera cords with me, so no photos this time, but you'll be glad to know that there are some people in these ones, mostly cute little african people, but people all the same.

Hope you're all well, catch you in a week or two. Sarah

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