Sunday, October 21, 2007

So I was at work the other day...

It was a Sunday and I was at work, not the best, but sometimes it happens. This guy who works in another department to me was helping me clear up the office. We went up to drop some boxes into the big bin, this guy says to me, you'd better bring your car keys.

Car keys? I ask. Aparently so.

We walked to the carpark, stopping outside a white van. This guy turns to me and asks a question, one that I will never forget. Do you use tampons or pads? That's right, looking directly at me, he just asked, just like that.
My responce....? I looked away, and mumbled under my breath, "depends".. opps, not good, not the right responce. Now he's going to think I am using depends depends, like those pads for people who have trouble getting to the loo in time!!!!!
It was not going well..

In responce, all he did was open the van, and start loading a plastic bags full of tampons and pads for me. It was explained to me that some of the boxes we're as full as they could be, that space was not being used as well as it could be, I was shown how I could save more space by adding an extra tampon into the boxes of two, making them into boxes of three, then if I wanted, I could keep that in my bag for an emergency. Great, stratigic tampon carrying tips from a middle-aged-I'm-ok-talking-about-tampons-with-women-man!

I couldn't believe it. This was actually happening. Here I was, in the work carpark, loading a plastic bag with STOLEN tampons, pads and pantyhose. OMG! Can you get arrested for that??

You know what's worse?? In all the imbarrassment, I just dumped the bag in the boot of my car to do the best I could to forget about it. Then... I had to get my tyres changed. Think I remembered to take all the tampons out before I got them to check my spare???? To all the men at Bob Jane's thank you for your tack. They just calmly moved them onto the back seat and said nothing when I went to go and pick up my car. At least some people are still a little discreet about these things.

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