I was at Lina's place celebrating her and Mikey's birthday (congratulations to you both again) when Greg and Mic started a theological debate with me. If we're going to be totally honest it might have been me who started the debate with them, but in any case, there was a debate underway.
Now it is my general habit, in such situations, to let my opinion be heard, or at least voiced, [although, if I am allowed to be honest again, if I don't think you've heard it, I am quite likely to repeat it]. And this is when it all started. One minute I was innocently standing on the veranda, voicing my opinion, and the next, I was on my ass {looking like an ass} trying my best to stand up again. The trouble was, you see, there was water all over the tiles, so even once I had fallen, I was still unable to get up, and spent (what felt like) the next minute or so trying to get my footing back. I looked like one of those 2 year old you see on ice skates. But worse, because I'm 25 and was still trying to keep from spilling my wine.
Anyway, after all the hullabaloo I decided that my ankle was quite sore and that it might have been time for me to sit down. So I did. Greg and Mic were very accommodating (or foolish??) and came and sat next to me so that the debate could continue. By the time we decided to leave Corinne had to almost carry me into the cab, and then out of the cab, and then up the giant driveway, and then into the kitchen for a cuppa. It was quite an evening.
So over the weekend I kept a close eye on the foot progress. It started to grow you see. Sideways. And then yesterday, it started to turn blue. It was a light sky blue at first, but now, it's a deep thunderstorm blue. I had a family gathering yesterday for Opa's {happy birthday to you too} and mum took one look at the foot and decided it was broken, and then it was all on. Opa getting bandages, Oma looking for a safety pin, mum wrapping, concerned aunts and uncles asking if I had fallen because I had been drinking too much [which of course I hadn't]. I had negotiated with Kathleen and settled on a pharmacist rather than an doctor.. I really don't like going to see them. But after a while all the fussing started to have an affect on me, and today I gave into pressure and went to see a doctor. He gave me a referral and I went for an x-ray this arvo. I'm fairly sure that it's not broken, I'd give it about a 89% that it's not. But, as they say, better to be safe. It would have been better if someone would have said that on Friday, when I was arguing in the water.. but anyway.
I have included photos for your viewing pleasure. Sorry about all the brackets too (I just love them at the moment, can't get enough) :-)
The first one is Saturday's swelling, and the other is today's midnight blue.
Good on you for always showing us your lovely pics! :-D
Oh Cuppers...
Did you at least win the argument?? Oh, sorry, I mean DEBATE?
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