So after a few months of some slack blogging I have decided to make a concerted effort to blog more.. There have been times when the randoms stories and events have seemed to flow, and it's not that they're not happening at the moment, it's just that they don't seem to be all that blog-worthy.. (and we're also being paid a lot NOT to blog about certain things.. hey Sue? :-)
But anyway.. after the last blog about the glorious sleepy Easter I had, I travelled off to another week of action and adventure in Melbourne. Geez I love that city.. Anyway, was able to catch up with some of the lovelies of this world and had a fantastic time. Thought I would shoot some photos below..
Don't know how I was able to do it, but I went to a wedding this weekend and spent a whole week in another city and managed to come home with 33 photos, and not one of them was of anyone I know. But I did get my favourite graffiti wall and Starbucks, and of course, about 50% of the photos were of sunrise/sunset.. best not challenge tradition too much :-0
Nice one cuppers.
It's good to have you back home though!
Okay, okay, so you don't like being called Cuppers.
But I still maintain that you don't get to pick your own nicknames! I have about 50 of them, none of which I've chosen myself! (hello, do you think I would have chosen to have the middle name Snowball if I had have had any say about it???! Cheers for that mum!)
Cuppers is relatively mild. I could do a lot worse you know. (Disclaimer: that was not a threat, in spite of it stounding vaguely threatening.)
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