Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Too Far..

Ok.. So my sideburns are plummeting below my jaw line, and the mullet at the back has begun to curl (ok flip is more accurate) coz it keeps hitting my collar. This is not good. It doesn't look good, and I can't just pass it off as a 'new style' anymore.

So a haircut it is. Found one for $18. Is that a good thing?? At first I was really happy that it was so cheap? But can you get something decent for that price? Maybe I should just pay more and save on hat investments afterwards.. but no, I am going to speak life into this haircut. It is going to be great!

So Tony and Guy, your trainees had better know what they are doing before they are unleashed on my head. Please.. please.. train them well today.

1 comment:

Clovergirl said...

Toni and Guy are renowned for funky haircuts Sez, you'll be fine! Actually I think the only problem you would run into would be if you asked for 'just a trim' I've heard that they don't take that too well and would be more likely to give you some kind of trendy asymetrical funk star creation instead. Can't wait to see the new you!