You may have seen the link on the side of this page to a group of kids called the
Watoto House Builders.. If not, I recommend you have a look-see.
I remember doing the 40-hour famine every year almost as a kid. I used to love it.. Mind you, I was totally rubbish at the fasting, and would eat so many of those little lollies that you were allowed.. sorry, I digress.. the point was to say that the cause lives on, we're not there yet, there is still a lot to be done!
There are a group of us planning a trip to Africa in June 2007. We are going to go and build a house for 6 - 8 aids orphaned kids and their new house mum. It's easy to think that helping 6 kids amongst all those thousands isn't going to make much of a difference.. And yeah, it would be great if we could do something for all of them, but for the moment, this is the opportunity that God has given us.
We have all been given something to work with. Whether it be our intellect, finances, oratory skills or friendships; these are our gifts. We can choose where we invest them. This is but one option. This is where I, along with others, am going to focus my energies. I pray that you would find your vision too. Find the thing that breaks your heart, and then not allow yourself to be crushed by the enormity of it, or by the injustice, but that you would find hope. And from that, you would work towards something better.
If you want to help financially with what the House Builders are doing please follow this
link. Please also pray for us as a group but also for all of us, that we would not settle and be happy to leave things as they are and hope that some institution will do something to change things. It doesn't have to be this way. There is a better option. Lets fight for it!