In an effort to begin my savings plan to get me to Africa / London / Brazil next year I went to the bank this week to open a new account. As we sat and discussed the finer details of my finances, I looked up to see what had to be one of the cutest things ever. I've called it Pinkie. It's mine now. I own one. She sits in my wallet (where she will stay until Thursday.. got to love pay day!!!). I have taken to looking at her every now and then, is that bad??
But I was thrown into turmoil when arranging for Pinkie to be mine. Being generally quite frugal I really wasn't sure if I could quite justify it.. How much is she worth.. your thoughts would be appreciated, but to me, she's worth $12 a year.. not too bad I didn't think.

I can't believe you got A PINKIE.... that is too cool for school my friends. I love it too much. I think I might just talk to Lloyds TSB regarding a colour change.
It makes me so proud Sarah, it really does :-)
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