So here we are.. back in BrisVegas... It's awesome..
Went to pick Shelley up from the station last night and my first word of advise was take off your jumper. This place is sooo hot already and it's not even Summer..
Kimbo arrives on Tuesday, and we'll start the road trip on Thursday. Many a photo will follow.
Please excuse the dodgy blogging of late. Will get back in the flow soon.
Sunday, October 29, 2006
Friday, October 20, 2006
Yay for Oracle!!
Going to Melbourne on Sunday to visit Pees (and do some training for Oracle)!!! Yay!!
Am going to stay till Thursday, then come back to do washing, and fly to BrisVegas on Saturday!! Yay for travelling!!! Just when you think you are going to scratch your feet off they're so ichy to go somewhere free trips come along!
Am going to stay till Thursday, then come back to do washing, and fly to BrisVegas on Saturday!! Yay for travelling!!! Just when you think you are going to scratch your feet off they're so ichy to go somewhere free trips come along!
When I got home last night Clare told me she was deeply concerned that I was have an affect on her. See, the other night we were watching America's Biggest Looser, (for some reason I have a really I like watching it), but I cry. Most of the way through. I cry all the time now. At ads, cards (esp. if they're Hallmark) and I hate to say it, but even Home and Away.
There was a time when Corinne would cry at everything, and I would point and laugh, but it seems that she had had an effect on me, and now I am affecting Clare, and so the world goes round...
Adam sent me this link. And I cried. Sitting at your desk at 7.30am wiping tears from your eyes is not the sign of a stable woman.. or is it?? maybe we all need to cry more. For the moment, I am going to say that we do. No big theological reasons, just a little self-preservation.
There was a time when Corinne would cry at everything, and I would point and laugh, but it seems that she had had an effect on me, and now I am affecting Clare, and so the world goes round...
Adam sent me this link. And I cried. Sitting at your desk at 7.30am wiping tears from your eyes is not the sign of a stable woman.. or is it?? maybe we all need to cry more. For the moment, I am going to say that we do. No big theological reasons, just a little self-preservation.
Thursday, October 19, 2006
It's all so quiet... shhhh... shhhh...
Ok, so I win for being the most computer illiterate 'administrator' on earth.
Was thinking it was getting a little quiet out there. Turns out I'd chosen the wrong setting with the comment moderation, and while Amy was trying to warn me, she was doing so in the comments, which I was unable to see. Luckily for me she reverted to ye old telephone contact last night, and this morning I have been able to rectify the situation.
So apologies, I was not intentionally ignoring all of you, just being a little blonde..
I was just so outraged at the post-spam. I mean really. How rude. As if emails weren't enough. And to make it worse they pretend to have read your blog, they start by complimenting you on your post, trying to get in your good books, well count me out. I am sorry to say but I don't like these people. If you're one of them, please refrain from posting your rubbish on my blog. This is MY space, where I get to talk about ME, it's all about ME, not you, ME, ME, ME!! (Maybe Bron is right, maybe Australia is chaging me... :-)
Was thinking it was getting a little quiet out there. Turns out I'd chosen the wrong setting with the comment moderation, and while Amy was trying to warn me, she was doing so in the comments, which I was unable to see. Luckily for me she reverted to ye old telephone contact last night, and this morning I have been able to rectify the situation.
So apologies, I was not intentionally ignoring all of you, just being a little blonde..
I was just so outraged at the post-spam. I mean really. How rude. As if emails weren't enough. And to make it worse they pretend to have read your blog, they start by complimenting you on your post, trying to get in your good books, well count me out. I am sorry to say but I don't like these people. If you're one of them, please refrain from posting your rubbish on my blog. This is MY space, where I get to talk about ME, it's all about ME, not you, ME, ME, ME!! (Maybe Bron is right, maybe Australia is chaging me... :-)
Monday, October 16, 2006
Hullabaloo to end all Hullabaloos..
Who would have thought that one small post could create such an uproar!
Lesson learnt, no longer will I publicize violent acts on the internet. Although I maintain it was all solicited and therefore in essence not violent, but rather submissive!
I have spent this afternoon / evening on the phone to two amazing friends from London. What a fantastic way to spend the arvo. Got to love it when you can not speak to someone for 6 months, and then just pick up the phone and start right off as if you had never stopped!
Speaking of friends.. am totally excited! Kimbo is coming, and will be here 15 days!!! which means that I got to Brisvegas in 12 days! Which means that I will have my car in Sydney in 20 days! Which means that I will half my trip to church, but more importantly... have some where to sing loudly.
Seriously, flatting with people it's not easy. Where can you sing??? not in the shower, there is too much of an echo, (my singing sounds best when it cannot be heard), not while on your run in the morning (I look crazy enough with the wild hair, let alone the crazy-can't-hardly-breathe-singing) and not while watch idol. I thought the last would be ok, but aparently it's not. So if not here then where??
The answer is in the car, roll down the window, fly down the highway - ok, so in Clemmy (Pees named the car Celmentine in a moment of weakness) in Clemmy it will be more of a roll down the highway and hope for the best.. But Kimbo and I are about to embark on an amazing road trip - my first ever - and I am sooooo excited!
Lesson learnt, no longer will I publicize violent acts on the internet. Although I maintain it was all solicited and therefore in essence not violent, but rather submissive!
I have spent this afternoon / evening on the phone to two amazing friends from London. What a fantastic way to spend the arvo. Got to love it when you can not speak to someone for 6 months, and then just pick up the phone and start right off as if you had never stopped!
Speaking of friends.. am totally excited! Kimbo is coming, and will be here 15 days!!! which means that I got to Brisvegas in 12 days! Which means that I will have my car in Sydney in 20 days! Which means that I will half my trip to church, but more importantly... have some where to sing loudly.
Seriously, flatting with people it's not easy. Where can you sing??? not in the shower, there is too much of an echo, (my singing sounds best when it cannot be heard), not while on your run in the morning (I look crazy enough with the wild hair, let alone the crazy-can't-hardly-breathe-singing) and not while watch idol. I thought the last would be ok, but aparently it's not. So if not here then where??
The answer is in the car, roll down the window, fly down the highway - ok, so in Clemmy (Pees named the car Celmentine in a moment of weakness) in Clemmy it will be more of a roll down the highway and hope for the best.. But Kimbo and I are about to embark on an amazing road trip - my first ever - and I am sooooo excited!
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Fight Club
Ok. So before I start today I want to make a few things clear..
1. I am a nice person.
2. All activities were solicited.
3. I have not changed. Nothing about me is different.
With that said. I smacked my flat mate it the face last night.
I should probably start at the beginning. We were sitting around the other night talking about the things we've always wanted.. Lots of things came up, cars, boys, big big houses, but then when I heard a black eye I thought, this is my chance. I've always wanted to punch someone.
I just wanted to know what it felt like. You know, in all the movies where they totally smack someone out?? I always wondered how that felt. It fitted perfectly.
So last night when I came home from work we decided that tonight was the night. We had our connect group coming over, so we decided to do it after. (Believe it or not we actually read Matthew 5????? Maybe that was a sign and we should have stopped there...)
So after connect we were standing in the kitchen, looking at eachother, wondering if either of us would have the guts to go through with this, but by this stage, we'd dared eachother, and there was no backing out.
I thought we should move onto the carpet. I mean, what if I hit her so hard she fell over and cracked her head?? Then there was a massive discussion on what angle I should go for.. upper cut?? or just smack her straight in the head??? Was this going to damage my hand???? Anyway, as you can tell this went on for a while.
Then I smacked her in the head.
Next thing I know she's on the ground. Laughing her heart out. All she kept asking was "Is that it???""
Now in my defence I've never hit anyone before. And I was nervous. I don't think I can do it properly. I really don't. I don't think I have it in me to hurt someone. Even if she wants me to.
So we were up till about midnight last night with all of these shenanigans, and I still don't think I was over it by the time I went for my run this morning. Everytime I think about it I randomly start laughing. Loud. And repeatedly. So now I'm a crazy-laugh-to-myself-flat-mate-basher. Have I changed that much?
1. I am a nice person.
2. All activities were solicited.
3. I have not changed. Nothing about me is different.
With that said. I smacked my flat mate it the face last night.
I should probably start at the beginning. We were sitting around the other night talking about the things we've always wanted.. Lots of things came up, cars, boys, big big houses, but then when I heard a black eye I thought, this is my chance. I've always wanted to punch someone.
I just wanted to know what it felt like. You know, in all the movies where they totally smack someone out?? I always wondered how that felt. It fitted perfectly.
So last night when I came home from work we decided that tonight was the night. We had our connect group coming over, so we decided to do it after. (Believe it or not we actually read Matthew 5????? Maybe that was a sign and we should have stopped there...)
So after connect we were standing in the kitchen, looking at eachother, wondering if either of us would have the guts to go through with this, but by this stage, we'd dared eachother, and there was no backing out.
I thought we should move onto the carpet. I mean, what if I hit her so hard she fell over and cracked her head?? Then there was a massive discussion on what angle I should go for.. upper cut?? or just smack her straight in the head??? Was this going to damage my hand???? Anyway, as you can tell this went on for a while.
Then I smacked her in the head.
Next thing I know she's on the ground. Laughing her heart out. All she kept asking was "Is that it???""
Now in my defence I've never hit anyone before. And I was nervous. I don't think I can do it properly. I really don't. I don't think I have it in me to hurt someone. Even if she wants me to.
So we were up till about midnight last night with all of these shenanigans, and I still don't think I was over it by the time I went for my run this morning. Everytime I think about it I randomly start laughing. Loud. And repeatedly. So now I'm a crazy-laugh-to-myself-flat-mate-basher. Have I changed that much?
Sunday, October 08, 2006

moment. I have been meaning to watch it for ages. Very scary.
Have you seen the size of the Super Size Fries???
Am going to leave the full rant to Adam, he does it so well. But just wanted to put my word out there. It's scary. And I pray Australia doesn't go down the same road.
I have been reading The Makers Diet, a book which talks about going back to organics. Although I must admit I did sit on the bus the other day reading this book while eating chocolate bullets... It felt wrong...
Reading this book you realise how little food we eat that isn't actually processed. I, like Pees, have been inspired to eat more fruit and fresh veg. But then when you think about it, most of that isn't organic anyway. Look at the tomatoes you can buy at Coles. So if the fresh fruit and veg isn't right anymore.. then what is ok?
A friend of mine went on a diet a while ago where they are no food that contained numbers in the ingredients. It's tough. There's not so much out there anymore. No milk, no cheese, no cereal, no bread, no juice, definitely no lollies, no spreads, nothing. Just fruit and veg (and they get their numbers before they hit the plate).
The photos have no link to this post, and serve no real purpose other than to try and make the page a little less black, and the post a little less depressing. It worked for me.. guess it's kinda easy to put something bright on the packaging to make the contents look better.
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
Backpackers United
So this is what has got me hooked and addicted at the moment. I love this vision.
Please check it out.
And feel free to get united.
Please check it out.
And feel free to get united.
Sunday, October 01, 2006
Sliding Doors
So this weekend is Hillsong Conference Europe. The first one ever. How totally exciting.
It also marks the intended date of my return to the UK. I had said that I was going to be back to host conference...
"And now I have a word for you who brashly announce, 'Today - at the latest tomorrow - we're off to such and such a city for the year. We're going to make a business and make a lot of money.' You don't know the fist thing about tomorrow.... Instead, make it a habit to say, 'If the Master wills it and we're still alive, we'll do this or that."
1 John 4 msg
And Proverbs 19:21 says "Many are the plans of a man's heart, but its the Lord's will the prevails."
Guess that's it. Still miss London, a lot sometime, definitely miss all my friends there. But this is where I am, and amazing things are going on here. This plan is far better than my original plan. Hurts to say, but it's true.
Someone asked me the other day how my friends felt about the fact that I wasn't coming back. To tell you the truth I had never asked. There wasn't much that any of us could do about it. Most of my friends didn't ask me how I felt about staying in Australia. There was more an underlying understanding that this was outside of the 'plan' and that God was moving things around to suit His plan.
How great to have friends like that. Yeah we miss each other, but what an amazing support! I know that they know that I would have loved to have stayed. And I know that they know that this is the place for me at the moment.
1 Cor 7 : 17
"And don't be wishing you were someplace else, or with someone else, where you are right now is God's place for you. Live, love, obey and believe right there."
It's good sometimes to stop and take a look at where life would be if we would have gone down the different path.. come home an hour earlier to find our husband in bed with someone else! ok, so that was the movie, but you get the point.
Each decision takes us somewhere. Each one is important. But that being said, even if we make the 'wrong' choice we'll still be learning and growing, and that ultimately is what it is all about.
I love the quote that Kimbo has on her myspace "Even if you are on the right track, you'll still get run over if you just sit there!" Awesome. And so true.
Sometimes it's good to just stop and think. I remember one time when we were moving as kids, I must have been about 5 and Dad was in the back of this big truck moving the fridge or something big and heavy. It was in the middle of a Brisbane summer, where it's like 35 degrees and you sweat the moment you step out of bed.. Dad was moving this thing, and then he just stopped, and sat down. I asked him what he was doing, we still had stuff to move. He turned to me and said, sometimes you need to sit and think, and sometimes you just need to sit.
No idea why that comment has stuck with me for so long, but it has. Guess today is a sit and think time... Just sit times are good too. And coming from London, it's been a challenge learning how to do it again. But it's happening, and it's good.
Am going to go down to the beach and go for a swim and just sit for a bit.
It also marks the intended date of my return to the UK. I had said that I was going to be back to host conference...
"And now I have a word for you who brashly announce, 'Today - at the latest tomorrow - we're off to such and such a city for the year. We're going to make a business and make a lot of money.' You don't know the fist thing about tomorrow.... Instead, make it a habit to say, 'If the Master wills it and we're still alive, we'll do this or that."
1 John 4 msg
And Proverbs 19:21 says "Many are the plans of a man's heart, but its the Lord's will the prevails."
Guess that's it. Still miss London, a lot sometime, definitely miss all my friends there. But this is where I am, and amazing things are going on here. This plan is far better than my original plan. Hurts to say, but it's true.
Someone asked me the other day how my friends felt about the fact that I wasn't coming back. To tell you the truth I had never asked. There wasn't much that any of us could do about it. Most of my friends didn't ask me how I felt about staying in Australia. There was more an underlying understanding that this was outside of the 'plan' and that God was moving things around to suit His plan.
How great to have friends like that. Yeah we miss each other, but what an amazing support! I know that they know that I would have loved to have stayed. And I know that they know that this is the place for me at the moment.
1 Cor 7 : 17
"And don't be wishing you were someplace else, or with someone else, where you are right now is God's place for you. Live, love, obey and believe right there."
It's good sometimes to stop and take a look at where life would be if we would have gone down the different path.. come home an hour earlier to find our husband in bed with someone else! ok, so that was the movie, but you get the point.
Each decision takes us somewhere. Each one is important. But that being said, even if we make the 'wrong' choice we'll still be learning and growing, and that ultimately is what it is all about.
I love the quote that Kimbo has on her myspace "Even if you are on the right track, you'll still get run over if you just sit there!" Awesome. And so true.
Sometimes it's good to just stop and think. I remember one time when we were moving as kids, I must have been about 5 and Dad was in the back of this big truck moving the fridge or something big and heavy. It was in the middle of a Brisbane summer, where it's like 35 degrees and you sweat the moment you step out of bed.. Dad was moving this thing, and then he just stopped, and sat down. I asked him what he was doing, we still had stuff to move. He turned to me and said, sometimes you need to sit and think, and sometimes you just need to sit.
No idea why that comment has stuck with me for so long, but it has. Guess today is a sit and think time... Just sit times are good too. And coming from London, it's been a challenge learning how to do it again. But it's happening, and it's good.
Am going to go down to the beach and go for a swim and just sit for a bit.
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