You know when you feel like posting something, but there is really nothing to say.. so you wait a few days, hoping the feeling goes away, then it doesn't. You know that you should wait, until something exciting has happened, something even remotely interesting...
But nothing has. Well not true, exciting things have happened this week at least they're exciting in my mind. It's all about perspective I guess.
I slept 9 hours last night. That's right, 9! I even went to work late.. Usually I get there at about 7.20, not today, 9am I arrived. Cruised on it, put my bag down, and went and made myself a cup of tea, just like that.
I was excited. But it's not really blog worthy.
They're funny things blogs. I often wondered why I write one.. Why I keep it updated.. I think Bron and I kinda made a point a few weeks ago, I know what is happening in her life, and she knows where I'm at.. But then other people, non-blog people, some of them I have lost. So do I write this to keep people up to date with what is happening in my life? If so there is a lot more that should be going in here I guess, but who wants to read a fact file?
So I write about whatever. Most times I write about nothing. Who even reads this thing anyway??
I was chatting with Elissa the other day and she told me that she read it. Well I had no idea. I don't know why I didn't think that she would, but I am really glad she does. Hi Lis!
I've realised that you can't think about that one too much. It's dangerous. Think too much about who reads these things and you end up writing nothing. "What will people think???" honestly, I am just beginning to get to the point where I really don't care.
I remember Gary said something like that once, and it totally took me by surprise. I remember thinking, 'but he is the pastor, he is supposed to care about what we think, and then make changes to accommodate'.. talk about off the mark...
1 Cor 4:3 says "It matters very little what you or anyone else thinks.. The Lord Himself will examine me and decide."
Now that's a cool thought, esp since I know what He thinks of me.
Was chatting to Adam just now about this, now fair call, I have a gnome tattooed on my back, and fair call I punched my flat mate, but this is who I am. I know that deep down somewhere Addy loves the fact that I'm not "normal".. hey ads?
Am reading this book by Holly Wagner at the moment, it's called God Chicks, so far it is talking about being a 'b u chick'. It's good, but dangerous. At the moment I live in a house with a whole bunch of girls who are all about being themselves, and it gets kinda wild. I love it. There is something awesome about not knowing what is going to happen, and know that whatever does happen you are going to be laughing about it for ever.
So there you have it. A long (possibly the longest yet) post about nothing. I think this is going to become my new theme. Unless of course Addy and I win another ham at the RSL tomorrow for his Bday. Then we'll be straight back to the news..
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Saturday, November 25, 2006
So it's Saturday afternoon. About 4 pm. It's hot. There is a big bottle of water in front of me. I just had a jaffel with baked beans and cheese. And the cricket is on.
Does life get better??
Oh wait, we're just about to woop England, yes, yes, I think life did just get better.
Does life get better??
Oh wait, we're just about to woop England, yes, yes, I think life did just get better.
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Are you Australian or what???

So it all started at about 4.30 am.
We got up, got ready and then went down the beach to watch an amazing sunrise.

After a quick stop at Starbucks we headed to the Opera House to support their bid to become one of the new 7 world wonders. Expecting crowds of 1000's we got there early... talk about over kill. There were honestly about 30 people there, and 10 were staff. And we call ourselves Australians...

But we went, and we supported.
We waved our flags, danced, yelled a bit and I told Sydney what I thought...

Then I went to work, and then picked Kate and Gordo up from the airport, and then I locked my keys in the car, and then I ate Krispy Kremes, and then I went to connect at the beach, and then I went to bed. Tired. But bigger for the experience.
Thursday, November 16, 2006
Taking Time
So it has taken me a few days to get to the point where I could post about this.
One of the guys at work had an epileptic fit on Tuesday morning. He was a big guy, and was throwing himself around, yelling, foaming at the mouth and hitting his head against a table.
There was only me and another girl my size there, and we couldn't help him, or stop him from hurting himself.
I ran to get a guy to help us, and he calmed him down while we got the ambulance to come and take him to hospital. But it was horrible. To see someone not be able to stop themselves from hurting themselves like that.
He is all fine now, and we all went out to dinner last night, which was great. For some reason I really wanted to see him ok again, as if I wasn't able to believe it when everyone said that he was ok.
I am going to do a first aid course next week. This is the second time in 3 months that something like this has happened, and next time, I want to know what to do.
Mum used to always say that we should carry the contact details of our friends / family with us when we were traveling, and I used to roll my eyes and move on. But this man needed help, and we knew nothing of his medical history, medication or special needs and had no way of contacting anyone. Mum was right. We need to be a little bit more aware.
Life is what it is. And we are here for the time that we are here. And sometimes you just think about that a little more than you normally do. I know where I am going, and I am so glad for that, more than I can say. But what for those who don't??
One of the guys at work had an epileptic fit on Tuesday morning. He was a big guy, and was throwing himself around, yelling, foaming at the mouth and hitting his head against a table.
There was only me and another girl my size there, and we couldn't help him, or stop him from hurting himself.
I ran to get a guy to help us, and he calmed him down while we got the ambulance to come and take him to hospital. But it was horrible. To see someone not be able to stop themselves from hurting themselves like that.
He is all fine now, and we all went out to dinner last night, which was great. For some reason I really wanted to see him ok again, as if I wasn't able to believe it when everyone said that he was ok.
I am going to do a first aid course next week. This is the second time in 3 months that something like this has happened, and next time, I want to know what to do.
Mum used to always say that we should carry the contact details of our friends / family with us when we were traveling, and I used to roll my eyes and move on. But this man needed help, and we knew nothing of his medical history, medication or special needs and had no way of contacting anyone. Mum was right. We need to be a little bit more aware.
Life is what it is. And we are here for the time that we are here. And sometimes you just think about that a little more than you normally do. I know where I am going, and I am so glad for that, more than I can say. But what for those who don't??
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
There has been a bit of slackness in the camp over the last few weeks, and there hasn't been much running going on. Last Monday I went for a run and nearly killed my self..
Actually, let me digress for a second... I was chatting with Kimbo and Clare last night, and they both said that they don't get heart attack when they run.. but I'm sure it can't just be me.. It's like a stitch, but in your heart. There is like this stabbing pain in your chest area and you feel like your heart is beating double time.. I'm sure it's not just me.. I haven't smoked in ages, and I don't think I could be still suffering the effects.. anyone else get heart attack?? Ever??
Anyway, back to the point. I decided yesterday that I really don't like running much, which is probably why I don't go so much. So I am going to take up swimming again.
I went yesterday afternoon to the ocean pool near my house. It was amazing. I've been swimming in there a few times, but never with goggles on. There is a whole little world under there.. even fishies! (Kimbo, they are small and totally 100% harmless:)
The only problem I found was that without the lines on the bottom of the pool I can't swim in a straight line! Now it doesn't help that there are these crazy waves crashing all over the place and taking you out, or that you are totally distracted by the life under the sea, but who would have thought those lines made any difference???
I was all over the place, swimming into the walls and taking people out.. Who would have thought swimming was a contact sport?
So expect a brown, fit me when you all see me next.. (ok, for those living in Sydney, this might not be the next time you see me, maybe a few more times after that.. but there will definitely be more brown-ness, and more fitness, and hopefully some more coordination...)
Actually, let me digress for a second... I was chatting with Kimbo and Clare last night, and they both said that they don't get heart attack when they run.. but I'm sure it can't just be me.. It's like a stitch, but in your heart. There is like this stabbing pain in your chest area and you feel like your heart is beating double time.. I'm sure it's not just me.. I haven't smoked in ages, and I don't think I could be still suffering the effects.. anyone else get heart attack?? Ever??
Anyway, back to the point. I decided yesterday that I really don't like running much, which is probably why I don't go so much. So I am going to take up swimming again.
I went yesterday afternoon to the ocean pool near my house. It was amazing. I've been swimming in there a few times, but never with goggles on. There is a whole little world under there.. even fishies! (Kimbo, they are small and totally 100% harmless:)
The only problem I found was that without the lines on the bottom of the pool I can't swim in a straight line! Now it doesn't help that there are these crazy waves crashing all over the place and taking you out, or that you are totally distracted by the life under the sea, but who would have thought those lines made any difference???
I was all over the place, swimming into the walls and taking people out.. Who would have thought swimming was a contact sport?
So expect a brown, fit me when you all see me next.. (ok, for those living in Sydney, this might not be the next time you see me, maybe a few more times after that.. but there will definitely be more brown-ness, and more fitness, and hopefully some more coordination...)
Saturday, November 11, 2006
A bit of colour...
Thought I would spice up the blog a little... thought it was looking a little drab..
Just finished watching Happy Gilmore, got to love that movie.. Finally got to hear the rhyme again, the one after he smashes the bottle..
He says, "I just may, lay by the bay, with some clay, what do you say.." or something.. anyone know of any web sites that give you movie quotes??
Just finished watching Happy Gilmore, got to love that movie.. Finally got to hear the rhyme again, the one after he smashes the bottle..
He says, "I just may, lay by the bay, with some clay, what do you say.." or something.. anyone know of any web sites that give you movie quotes??
Friday, November 10, 2006
Yeah I won the ham!
It all started on Monday when Addy called. Dinner was suggested, and I love that we didn't even have to talk about where we were going to go.. It was obvious, on a Thursday, you go to raffle night at the RSL.
So we did. And I won.
The story does go a little deeper than that. You see when at the pub I generally choose not to wear my glasses, and before this has never caused a problem... unfortunately (for Adam) last night I discovered why glasses are good and should be worn EVERY time one is trying to read something.
We were all sitting around waiting for the numbers to be called, and I was trying to set some atmosphere, some expectancy, a little bit of faith.. So I was already kinda excited. And then it happened, they read Adam's number! First call and bam, we win! Talk about excited.
I screamed. We all did. I waved my arms in the air, looked around at everyone as if to say "that's right, that's my brother, taking home the ham!" so we sent him right down to the stage to claim his prize.
It was only then that Kimbo mentioned that she wasn't sure if it actually was his number...
Turns out that without glasses on a 1 really can look like a 7.. they both have a down stroke and a little funny bit at the top..
These are all excuses. Adam, I'm sorry. So sorry. I know I said that a lot last night, but at least today I can say it without falling apart laughing.
Anyone keen for a ham salad sandwich, you know where I am..
So we did. And I won.
The story does go a little deeper than that. You see when at the pub I generally choose not to wear my glasses, and before this has never caused a problem... unfortunately (for Adam) last night I discovered why glasses are good and should be worn EVERY time one is trying to read something.
We were all sitting around waiting for the numbers to be called, and I was trying to set some atmosphere, some expectancy, a little bit of faith.. So I was already kinda excited. And then it happened, they read Adam's number! First call and bam, we win! Talk about excited.
I screamed. We all did. I waved my arms in the air, looked around at everyone as if to say "that's right, that's my brother, taking home the ham!" so we sent him right down to the stage to claim his prize.
It was only then that Kimbo mentioned that she wasn't sure if it actually was his number...
Turns out that without glasses on a 1 really can look like a 7.. they both have a down stroke and a little funny bit at the top..
These are all excuses. Adam, I'm sorry. So sorry. I know I said that a lot last night, but at least today I can say it without falling apart laughing.
Anyone keen for a ham salad sandwich, you know where I am..
Thursday, November 09, 2006
Thank you Amy for this word that sums up exactly what is going on here. There is soooo much to say and update, every time I think about it it's just a little too much so I post nothing instead.
I've decided to draw a line in the sand and just say nothing about what has been happening. Seems like a good plan to me. As I often wonder who is actually reading this, and really if there is a need to tell the whole story.
I have this theory that creating a blog is actually the worst thing you can do when you move to a new city. There are all these people you leave behind who would normally email you to see how things were going who now just check the blog and get an update. Nothing wrong with that, except most times you have no idea they've done that. Talk about potential for insecurity issues! Lucky for me I'm so arrogant it really is quite difficult for me to be insecure.
I don't really know where I am going with this, but I guess the point is that I miss you too Bron, and I am dying to know how you are enjoying the 'good side' of London, and how the new job is going, and if you are still keeping in touch with Saskia, and when you are going to come and visit Australia... I guess I could email, but at the moment all I do is keep checking your blog and hoping that you are going to one day post the answers to my questions... :-)
I've decided to draw a line in the sand and just say nothing about what has been happening. Seems like a good plan to me. As I often wonder who is actually reading this, and really if there is a need to tell the whole story.
I have this theory that creating a blog is actually the worst thing you can do when you move to a new city. There are all these people you leave behind who would normally email you to see how things were going who now just check the blog and get an update. Nothing wrong with that, except most times you have no idea they've done that. Talk about potential for insecurity issues! Lucky for me I'm so arrogant it really is quite difficult for me to be insecure.
I don't really know where I am going with this, but I guess the point is that I miss you too Bron, and I am dying to know how you are enjoying the 'good side' of London, and how the new job is going, and if you are still keeping in touch with Saskia, and when you are going to come and visit Australia... I guess I could email, but at the moment all I do is keep checking your blog and hoping that you are going to one day post the answers to my questions... :-)
Sunday, November 05, 2006
Vegas To Syder!

What a trip!!! It was awesome.
Highlights??? Visiting all the churches and seeing how excited they are to get on board with Backpackers! It's awesome. God is building an army.
Staying in a Motel. Never done that before. It was cool. Left something in the car?? No worries, it's just outside the door about 2 m from where you sleep!! Amazing concept.
And just being on the road. It's was awesome to spend time with the girls, and definately fantastic to have Kimbo here!
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