So in my last post I was talking about small things, and how while they won't ever add to make us truly happy they can be quite useful in making life easier and a lot more fun. It seems God is on a mission to prove the point.
Let me tell you about only the last few hours of last night as an example.
1. I decided that being new to the city I should stop taking buses and walk around a bit more getting to know the area.. firstly, unlike the rest of the week it wasn't raining! Then I got lost, but used my 'phone a friend' card, and got found again.
2. I went to coffee with a friend who blessed me with a card thingy so I can buy my groceries next week! Just the right thing, at the right time! I had been praying for exactly that the night before.
3. I was given a package sent from a friend in London with hundreds of different facinating clippings from newspapers, a couple of magazines, a georgous card, and generally lots of lovely things that said I've been thinking of you.
4. I was given a bed! (Well, ok, I was told that there was a bed that I could come and pick up, she didn't actually give it to me on the spot!! ;-)
5. Then as I got home I finished reading the second book of the Mark of the Lion series (seriously good) and the ending was perfect; not too mushy, not too hard.
And this was all in a 4 hour period! So today is Friday, and day 5 of my new job. Everything is good, great actually.