Saturday, July 01, 2006

The things you see..

Thought I would drop a line to all you (blogies - thanks to Rox for that one..) and let you know what has been going on. This week has envolved many many cups of tea and coffee in all the groovy little cafes around the place here. As a diehard Starbucks fan I think I have almost been swayed by the personality of some of the independant places around here.

Melbourne really does seem to have some real personality to it. No one really seems to know how to park, but I guess they make up for it with their amazing ability to negociate Trams and left turns from right lanes.. I took Pees's car for a quick spin, nearly died, twice, lucky she didn't see or hear..

I got out the suitcase this morning, and started to think about packing again, didn't act on those thoughts.. one step at a time I say. But off to Sydney tomorrow ready for conference to start on Monday night. Can't wait honestly.

As for the photo, we saw this on the way back from wedding dress shopping today (luckly you all know me well enough to know we were not shopping for me ;-) as saw this drowned clown. Not the most common thing and not something I could just walk passed. So thought I'd share. There has to be a lesson in there somewhere about still smiling even when you're head is underwater.. Guess he still had a good view of the stars.. (tears, I know..)

1 comment:

Nandi-Jo said...

You should have saved him!!!