Monday, July 03, 2006

Safe and Sound

Got into Sydney last night on lovely Buisness Class flight from Melbourne. Have now decided that this is the way forward and that there is no more Economy flying for me... Probably lucky that I hadn't discovered this earlier ;-)

My wonderful cousin was there to pick me up at the airport, and helped me mission the ginormous bags home on the bus. She has the most lovely house at Rose Bay, such a homely place. Then we were up at 5.30 for a run to Bondi and made it in time to see the sun just pretending to come up over the skyline. Can it get any better than this??

Conference starts tonight, and have been busy trying to get into contact with everyone so we can all meet up. So looking forward to seeing the guys from London, just want to convince myself that it did all really happen, and it wasn't just some sort of elaborate dream. Plus rumour has it that some hugs were sent with these guys.. so definately looking forward to cashing in!

The guys next to me's phone just rang, his ring tone is of his kids screaming "Daddy pick up the phone!!" How cute is that!!

Off to adventure some more.. will try to get back here to blog this week, but not sure that I will make it.. Love to all

1 comment:

Carlz said...

I thought this blog was the adventures of Sez, update us then please oh one of adventure!