So once again I am not homeless! Yay for having a place to live!
We are going to move into the Palace on Friday, but get the keys on Thursday. I have been thinking that maybe we should camp out on the first night just to stake our claim...
How uncanny is this... Last night we went out to celebrate in Coogee and had cocktails, I'm usually a daiquiri kinda girl but the need for a Singapore Sling over took me, and then when I got home, I got a text from my mum who was with my sister in Thailand also having Singapore Slings. Weird. I must have forgotten to turn the ESP off. But seriously, I haven't had a Singapore Sling since that fateful flight Elissa and I took back to London a few years back... Sorry, I digress..
Point of the story is that we are going to move into an awesome place, and I am totally excited!
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
Monday, January 22, 2007
Quote of the day
Ringo just sent me an email with this in it:
A girl friend is never farther away than needing her can reach.
I like it. Thought I would share. Good day to all xxo
A girl friend is never farther away than needing her can reach.
I like it. Thought I would share. Good day to all xxo
Saturday, January 20, 2007
Proud Mum to Concerned Parent..
So turns out Clemmy isn't doing that well...
The little oil light kept flashing.. so I did the good thing, went in a bought oil (even got the right kind! :-) but when I went to fill her up there was this strange rubber circle thing sitting on the top of the engine. Where did it come from?? Where is it supposed to go?? Is it a vital part of my car??
But then I thought about it, I had driven the car to the shops.. the rubber thing can't have moved while I was in BigW.. Clemmy must be ok with out it.. So I put it in the boot and drove home..
I keep thinking I can smell something funny in the car.. is it just me?? am I paranoid??
She keeps on keeping on.. 19 years that car has been going.. I don't think she is going to let some little rubber circle get in her way!
The little oil light kept flashing.. so I did the good thing, went in a bought oil (even got the right kind! :-) but when I went to fill her up there was this strange rubber circle thing sitting on the top of the engine. Where did it come from?? Where is it supposed to go?? Is it a vital part of my car??
But then I thought about it, I had driven the car to the shops.. the rubber thing can't have moved while I was in BigW.. Clemmy must be ok with out it.. So I put it in the boot and drove home..
I keep thinking I can smell something funny in the car.. is it just me?? am I paranoid??
She keeps on keeping on.. 19 years that car has been going.. I don't think she is going to let some little rubber circle get in her way!
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
Simple Mathematics
Plus This
Equals This
And Then This Happens

Who would have thought that you could get
That car is a gem I'm telling you, a gem. I'm like a proud parent.
BTW - Tonights menu included tinned peaches, yoghurt, and baked beans on toast... Have a new theory that you can eat what ever random combinations you want as long as you leave enough time between courses... You've just got to think these things through sometimes.

Plus This

Who would have thought that you could get
1 x mattress
1 x Bed Frame
1 x Suitcase
Many x Random Assortments of Crap
2 x People
all into Clemmy and then drive across town???
That car is a gem I'm telling you, a gem. I'm like a proud parent.
BTW - Tonights menu included tinned peaches, yoghurt, and baked beans on toast... Have a new theory that you can eat what ever random combinations you want as long as you leave enough time between courses... You've just got to think these things through sometimes.
Monday, January 15, 2007
Moving House..
So the time has come for me to leave the beach-side resort. It has been a good season. Lots of laughs, parties, slurpies and sunburn. I am currently having much dificulty bending my knees due to exccessive back-of-knee-burning (I've got nothing on your story though Clare, you win that one hands down!)
There is a lot to do when you move. Packing, organising, looking for houses, trying out the locals of the places you are considering, asking important questions, is there a local Bistro? Can we get a $5 meal? And for me, the big big one is, can I walk to the bakery?
When I wake up on a saturday morning I want to me able to walk, or scoot (on my new ELECTRIC SCOOTER), to the bakery. I want to be able to get there in that semi-waken state, with sleep still in the eyes, so I can come back home, make multiple cups of tea, and eat fresh fresh bread with vegimite and butter all without really waking up. That is life.
Anyway, please excuse me, I digress.
This moving out has forced me into action. I took down the fairy lights which i had been in the tree for the last few months, I walked around the house collecting all the Candy Canes I had hung like stockings with care, I even considered hoovering.
But the biggest problem so far has been the cupboard. There is so much random stuff in there. I really don't like moving food. Last time Rinnie and I moved it was a nightmare. Rinnie, Pees and mum got on the tube so heavy laden with stuff (I was forced to ride in the car, someone had to:-) and I blame most of the excessive weight on food.
So this time I have decided to eat my way through it. But it leads to some very 'interesting' combinations. Tonight for example, I had fish with garlic sauce, M&M's and a glass of coke for dinner. There has been excessive custard consumption going on also since we kinda over catered at the Orphans Christmas.
Is it good for me??? Well, who knows. But is it good eating?? For sure. Mum used to say that when I lived under her roof I was going to have to live by her rules. I used to tell her when I lived by myself I was going to eat chocolate for dinner. Never actually thought I would though... ahh well, desperate times, desperate measures :-)
There is a lot to do when you move. Packing, organising, looking for houses, trying out the locals of the places you are considering, asking important questions, is there a local Bistro? Can we get a $5 meal? And for me, the big big one is, can I walk to the bakery?
When I wake up on a saturday morning I want to me able to walk, or scoot (on my new ELECTRIC SCOOTER), to the bakery. I want to be able to get there in that semi-waken state, with sleep still in the eyes, so I can come back home, make multiple cups of tea, and eat fresh fresh bread with vegimite and butter all without really waking up. That is life.
Anyway, please excuse me, I digress.
This moving out has forced me into action. I took down the fairy lights which i had been in the tree for the last few months, I walked around the house collecting all the Candy Canes I had hung like stockings with care, I even considered hoovering.
But the biggest problem so far has been the cupboard. There is so much random stuff in there. I really don't like moving food. Last time Rinnie and I moved it was a nightmare. Rinnie, Pees and mum got on the tube so heavy laden with stuff (I was forced to ride in the car, someone had to:-) and I blame most of the excessive weight on food.
So this time I have decided to eat my way through it. But it leads to some very 'interesting' combinations. Tonight for example, I had fish with garlic sauce, M&M's and a glass of coke for dinner. There has been excessive custard consumption going on also since we kinda over catered at the Orphans Christmas.
Is it good for me??? Well, who knows. But is it good eating?? For sure. Mum used to say that when I lived under her roof I was going to have to live by her rules. I used to tell her when I lived by myself I was going to eat chocolate for dinner. Never actually thought I would though... ahh well, desperate times, desperate measures :-)
Saturday, January 13, 2007
Gross.. Seriously Gross
So last night I went to bed at about 3 in the end.. and for me, that is unusually late. I am the kind of loose-it-when-it-gets-past-midnight kinda girl normally. So when I got into my room last night there was a fly and a cockroach. I considered being proactive and catching them, but decided that it wasn't really fair, they had been there first. And the fly would be alright, at least it wasn't a mosquito, and the cockroach - well I was on a bed, and it's not like they can climb up and get me.
Wrong. I was so wrong.
I was lying there about half an hour later still not able to sleep and then all the sudden i felt something on the back of my neck. I slapped around like an idiot, and then ran to turn the light on. There it was. This massive roach on my pillow! How gross is that. It was in my bed! It was on my while i was half asleep. Amy was talking about that whole you eat 8 spiders in a life time thing a while ago... and you're right, I don't know how they count, and I don't know if it is true. But imagine if this thing would have climbed in my mouth!

Who knew that cockroaches can climb walls?????? I am not sure that I feel very safe anymore. You had better believe there is going to be a nightly check going, and there is going to be no sharing anymore, I don't care who was there first. I pay the rent. And I do not want to share my bed with any insect, ever again.
You're out buddy. Gone.
Birthday Lovin'
What a week!
It's almost 2am on Friday night / Saturday morning. The logical thing to do would be to go to bed, and then get up and write this where there is at least a slight chance that something logical might come out. But who wants to be logical???
This has been an amazing week. Birthdays are awesome. I don't know how many people have called, texted, emailed, commented, come over, gone out and generally found a way to wish me a happy birthday. It's been amazing.
You know what the best thing is? All the texts, emails, cards, hugs, calls have ended with my favourite words. Well just wanted to send a big I LOVE YOU back to everyone. I honestly I don't think I have ever had so many ppl say it to me in such a short period of time. You should see how big my head has got! :-)
Seriously though.. tonight, Michael, this amazing friend of mine, not only opened his house to us, but planned, organised, invited, shopped, got a massive chocolate cake (with my name on it!!!!) set up, then picked ppl up from the station, hosted, laughed and generally had a raucous time and then cleaned up after us all for this amazing party! Talk about a blessing! Thank you!
I think we should all have Birthdays all the time! Kim has this amazing idea of celebrating half year Birthdays.. not a bad idea.. I tell you what, this week has meant so much, I have been truly touched (didn't even have any champagne addy :-) . Thinking that I am going to add another resolution to the list... tell people how much I love them, often, repeatedly, until i am sure they know.
Hmmmm.. just re-read this post... think i might be getting sentimental in my old age... not good, not at all good... If it's like this now.. imagine when I'm 60!
It's almost 2am on Friday night / Saturday morning. The logical thing to do would be to go to bed, and then get up and write this where there is at least a slight chance that something logical might come out. But who wants to be logical???
This has been an amazing week. Birthdays are awesome. I don't know how many people have called, texted, emailed, commented, come over, gone out and generally found a way to wish me a happy birthday. It's been amazing.
You know what the best thing is? All the texts, emails, cards, hugs, calls have ended with my favourite words. Well just wanted to send a big I LOVE YOU back to everyone. I honestly I don't think I have ever had so many ppl say it to me in such a short period of time. You should see how big my head has got! :-)
Seriously though.. tonight, Michael, this amazing friend of mine, not only opened his house to us, but planned, organised, invited, shopped, got a massive chocolate cake (with my name on it!!!!) set up, then picked ppl up from the station, hosted, laughed and generally had a raucous time and then cleaned up after us all for this amazing party! Talk about a blessing! Thank you!
I think we should all have Birthdays all the time! Kim has this amazing idea of celebrating half year Birthdays.. not a bad idea.. I tell you what, this week has meant so much, I have been truly touched (didn't even have any champagne addy :-) . Thinking that I am going to add another resolution to the list... tell people how much I love them, often, repeatedly, until i am sure they know.
Hmmmm.. just re-read this post... think i might be getting sentimental in my old age... not good, not at all good... If it's like this now.. imagine when I'm 60!
Friday, January 05, 2007
Thieves in Redfern!
So last night I went to dinner at a friends place in Redfern (the Hackney of Sydney for those non-Sydney-Siders), I was chatting to my Dad on the way there (hands free of course) and then did the responsible thing of getting off the phone so I could pay full attention to the map turning (ohh, I mean reading) that was required to get me to this obscure part of town.
I found the street, 5th time luckly, and called a friend of a friend to get the right house. Dondon said it was simple, just half way down the street, the grey apartments, park infront of the first tree. So I did. Then I waited for her to meet me so she could show me the right apartment.
Then I got the call.. 'Where are you?' Well I was in front of the first tree wasn't I. Where was she was more the point! I then had this horrible thought that I might be on the wrong street (it has been known to happen) so I jumped out of the car to run up and check the street sign. As I was in Redfern I did what all responsible people do and locked my car. As soon as I closed the door I knew I had gone wrong. The keys were in the ignition. Again. Keys in the car, car locked, me on the outside of the car, third time since I've been in Sydney.
I asked Don to bring a coat hanger and then we got to work. That's right, three girls, one coat hanger, four passerbys, and one very dodgy part of town. The girls prayed, and we got it!! We broke into Clemmy. No training (that's if you don't count the number of times I've watched the NRMA man break into my car) just runnning on a prayer. I didn't know whether to be happy or seriously concerned that I was able to rescue my car.
I'll tell you the most embarrassing part of the story.. Can you believe I actually thought to myself that I should keep some coat hangers in the car, just in case it happens again, then I could use them to open the doors... hmmm.. If I could get the hangers, surely I could get the keys.. Oh dear.. If I only had a brain.. :-)
I found the street, 5th time luckly, and called a friend of a friend to get the right house. Dondon said it was simple, just half way down the street, the grey apartments, park infront of the first tree. So I did. Then I waited for her to meet me so she could show me the right apartment.
Then I got the call.. 'Where are you?' Well I was in front of the first tree wasn't I. Where was she was more the point! I then had this horrible thought that I might be on the wrong street (it has been known to happen) so I jumped out of the car to run up and check the street sign. As I was in Redfern I did what all responsible people do and locked my car. As soon as I closed the door I knew I had gone wrong. The keys were in the ignition. Again. Keys in the car, car locked, me on the outside of the car, third time since I've been in Sydney.
I asked Don to bring a coat hanger and then we got to work. That's right, three girls, one coat hanger, four passerbys, and one very dodgy part of town. The girls prayed, and we got it!! We broke into Clemmy. No training (that's if you don't count the number of times I've watched the NRMA man break into my car) just runnning on a prayer. I didn't know whether to be happy or seriously concerned that I was able to rescue my car.
I'll tell you the most embarrassing part of the story.. Can you believe I actually thought to myself that I should keep some coat hangers in the car, just in case it happens again, then I could use them to open the doors... hmmm.. If I could get the hangers, surely I could get the keys.. Oh dear.. If I only had a brain.. :-)
Monday, January 01, 2007
Christmas '06
This a video of Christmas day.. Kimbo got me the coolest cap guns. It's been a few years since I've run around the house shooting people. Not since we set the last gun on fire when we were kids..
Christmas day was awesome. We had about 15 or so people round for Christmas lunch, which envolved a lot of eating and laughing, which is the perfect combination!
We drove to Melbourne on Christmas night. Turns out it's quite far away... we drove most the way through the night, stayed in the Maccas carpark for a few hours, and then arrived just in time for the Cricket!!!!!
Yay for Warnie!

The rest of the week was spent chillin', catching up with the folks, eating and reading exactly what a holiday should be!
All in all it was a fantastic festive season.

Christmas day was awesome. We had about 15 or so people round for Christmas lunch, which envolved a lot of eating and laughing, which is the perfect combination!
We drove to Melbourne on Christmas night. Turns out it's quite far away... we drove most the way through the night, stayed in the Maccas carpark for a few hours, and then arrived just in time for the Cricket!!!!!
Yay for Warnie!

The rest of the week was spent chillin', catching up with the folks, eating and reading exactly what a holiday should be!
All in all it was a fantastic festive season.

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