Saturday, January 20, 2007

Proud Mum to Concerned Parent..

So turns out Clemmy isn't doing that well...

The little oil light kept flashing.. so I did the good thing, went in a bought oil (even got the right kind! :-) but when I went to fill her up there was this strange rubber circle thing sitting on the top of the engine. Where did it come from?? Where is it supposed to go?? Is it a vital part of my car??

But then I thought about it, I had driven the car to the shops.. the rubber thing can't have moved while I was in BigW.. Clemmy must be ok with out it.. So I put it in the boot and drove home..

I keep thinking I can smell something funny in the car.. is it just me?? am I paranoid??

She keeps on keeping on.. 19 years that car has been going.. I don't think she is going to let some little rubber circle get in her way!


Clovergirl said...

Take her to the doctor Sez!!

Carlz said...

Please take care to car doctor, my credit card number is all yours if vital funds are required to help poor Clemmy... I love that car!

In fact, expect a phone call from me shortly!