Saturday, January 13, 2007

Birthday Lovin'

What a week!

It's almost 2am on Friday night / Saturday morning. The logical thing to do would be to go to bed, and then get up and write this where there is at least a slight chance that something logical might come out. But who wants to be logical???

This has been an amazing week. Birthdays are awesome. I don't know how many people have called, texted, emailed, commented, come over, gone out and generally found a way to wish me a happy birthday. It's been amazing.

You know what the best thing is? All the texts, emails, cards, hugs, calls have ended with my favourite words. Well just wanted to send a big I LOVE YOU back to everyone. I honestly I don't think I have ever had so many ppl say it to me in such a short period of time. You should see how big my head has got! :-)

Seriously though.. tonight, Michael, this amazing friend of mine, not only opened his house to us, but planned, organised, invited, shopped, got a massive chocolate cake (with my name on it!!!!) set up, then picked ppl up from the station, hosted, laughed and generally had a raucous time and then cleaned up after us all for this amazing party! Talk about a blessing! Thank you!

I think we should all have Birthdays all the time! Kim has this amazing idea of celebrating half year Birthdays.. not a bad idea.. I tell you what, this week has meant so much, I have been truly touched (didn't even have any champagne addy :-) . Thinking that I am going to add another resolution to the list... tell people how much I love them, often, repeatedly, until i am sure they know.

Hmmmm.. just re-read this post... think i might be getting sentimental in my old age... not good, not at all good... If it's like this now.. imagine when I'm 60!

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