I have recently decided to take up swimming again. (I can say this now as I have been more than 3 times. I have decided to "take things up" before but found if they don't last more than 3 visits then it's really just not going to happen.)
After my 4th trip to the pool after work, on what is supposed to be a relaxing time of contemplation I am beginning to get some Swimmer's Rage. It drives me nuts. Some people just don't seem to know the rules
1. There should be no kick-boards in the fast lane. When you are doing kick, you are going SLOW not FAST, so move over honey!
2. No-one should be allowed to swim butterfly when sharing a lane with others. Esp if you are a large Bapi-sized man.
3. And I think we should talk more. Funny, I tried to chat with the girls in my lane last night, and they just stared.. What, don't want to be friendly?? Why can we say hi to the bus driver and have a good chat with him, yet it's not ok to chat with the fellow swimmers?
4. We are not in Europe. One must exercise decency when using the changing rooms!
I'm not usually for rules. Actually, that might be a lie, I think I am for rules. Rules can be good. Like, don't leave your crap around the flat when living in a share house (I could actually hear the sigh of relief when I left # 48!) And always get a hair cut once your sideburns reach below your jaw line (mine is going to have to happen next week, although I live if fear of another hair-dresser aside from Kimbo) .
I get that these things might only be important to me. And I get that you cannot control the behavior of others. And I get that I should remove the log from my own eye before try to get the spec from another’s. But I also get that I now have a Blog. Where I can post whatever I want. The perfect ranting space! What an awesome concept!