I was a little suppressed to see the flurry of blogging activity over the past few days. I'm all for it to be honest. Although I was a little put out by my sisters ability to change the color of the text and post a photo. After spending most of the weekend trying to convince myself that it is ok, and I don't need to compete on every level, it is now 8.56am Monday morning, and I am about to post my first photo!
Where does this need to not be out-done come from??
Many of you know my good friend Angela. One day while innocently traveling on the tube to Leatherhead she put out a challenge for me to "surf" all the way. (this is where you stand in the middle of the train, holding you host shirt on a hanger, backpack on the shoulder, and fall about the cabin in a stubborn refusal to hold on!) We once travel the full 45 mins to Leathers that way. What would posses someone to do that? The same thing I suppose that makes us try to be the first one to call our mothers on mothers day (for the record, I gave the first hug, first happy mothers day, and was the only one to give flowers this year!!) the same thing that keeps us running at 5.30 when the sun hasn't even bothered to get up yet, and that makes the retail world go round.
That last one is a bit of a sore spot at the moment. I went to try and find a new bag over the weekend, the need for which I believe was quite justified (please refer to the previous blog). But came home with a new pair of trousers and 4 new tops, and still came to work this morning with the moldy black strappy box.
A friend has come to the rescue (as God always seems to have them do!) and voluntered to come bag and shoe shopping with me on Thursday. I will be sure to let you know how it goes!
Hey Sez,
We miss you muchos... but the never-ending dilemma about the bag is one not to be missed. Keep the faith sister and blessing will prevail...
Cheers, Mishy
Try Myer! I miss you. Blogging is so much fun huh?? Inspired me to start studying journalism a couple of weeks ago - yay!
so good to see your beautiful face.....Seems like you r happy out there. Missing you laods
x x x
P.S Blogging is the best thing to ever happen to the world!!!
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