Monday, January 01, 2007

Christmas '06

This a video of Christmas day.. Kimbo got me the coolest cap guns. It's been a few years since I've run around the house shooting people. Not since we set the last gun on fire when we were kids..

Christmas day was awesome. We had about 15 or so people round for Christmas lunch, which envolved a lot of eating and laughing, which is the perfect combination!

We drove to Melbourne on Christmas night. Turns out it's quite far away... we drove most the way through the night, stayed in the Maccas carpark for a few hours, and then arrived just in time for the Cricket!!!!!

Yay for Warnie!

The rest of the week was spent chillin', catching up with the folks, eating and reading exactly what a holiday should be!

All in all it was a fantastic festive season.


Mishy-Jo said...

There is true glory in a friend who travels all the night to get to the MCG for the hallowed Boxing day test. Too bad us English put up such a shallow defence. Never fear, next Ashes will BE OURS ... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAH!!

Clovergirl said...

"Us English"?? Heh, talk to us when you have that EU passport Mish ;-)
Til then you're still all ours!

Unknown said...

The McDonalds carpark??? My goodness...havent we just reached a new level of class??? Hehehe. Good old Aussies :-P