Friday, December 22, 2006
Monday, December 18, 2006
BrisVegas Take Two
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
Winfred the Winner Winner Winner!
Saturday, December 09, 2006
Monday Nights

Wednesday, December 06, 2006
Glow-worms are never glum.
How can you be sad,
When the sun shines out your bum?’
Rox - Never has a poem hit like that one just did. It says it all. I put in on the wall of my depressing little cube at work. How can you not smile when you read something like that.
Thanks you!
Ohhh, and if you have any profound idea for Christmas pressies please do let me know. Once again I have not started even thinking of gifts, let alone buying them.. Ohh to be organised... Am not going to let it get to me. Today I am a glow-worm!
Sunday, December 03, 2006
Pinch and a Punch for the First of the Month
I love it.
I have been accused of cheating sometimes, on two counts:
1. I do it via text
2. It's not always the first of the month when I am getting everyone in England.
Because this is my blog, and I am allowed to, I would like to support my own argument..
In the first case, if I could afford to fly to London / Melbourne / Brisbane and get you all I would, I can't, so I resort to texting. I would imagine that getting someone via text would be a lot better than via email, so I don't understand what the problem is. 'This is the new generation man...'
Secondly, I think it totally applies to the time zone that you are in, how can I help it if the English are slow?
Rinnie and I did a bit of investigation.. Turns out that they don't do this in Canada, nor Brazil, nor America. As far as I can tell they do do it in Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, England and all other cool places.. Why wouldn't you take the opportunity to smack someone once a month?? Keeps life interesting I say..
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Not much..
But nothing has. Well not true, exciting things have happened this week at least they're exciting in my mind. It's all about perspective I guess.
I slept 9 hours last night. That's right, 9! I even went to work late.. Usually I get there at about 7.20, not today, 9am I arrived. Cruised on it, put my bag down, and went and made myself a cup of tea, just like that.
I was excited. But it's not really blog worthy.
They're funny things blogs. I often wondered why I write one.. Why I keep it updated.. I think Bron and I kinda made a point a few weeks ago, I know what is happening in her life, and she knows where I'm at.. But then other people, non-blog people, some of them I have lost. So do I write this to keep people up to date with what is happening in my life? If so there is a lot more that should be going in here I guess, but who wants to read a fact file?
So I write about whatever. Most times I write about nothing. Who even reads this thing anyway??
I was chatting with Elissa the other day and she told me that she read it. Well I had no idea. I don't know why I didn't think that she would, but I am really glad she does. Hi Lis!
I've realised that you can't think about that one too much. It's dangerous. Think too much about who reads these things and you end up writing nothing. "What will people think???" honestly, I am just beginning to get to the point where I really don't care.
I remember Gary said something like that once, and it totally took me by surprise. I remember thinking, 'but he is the pastor, he is supposed to care about what we think, and then make changes to accommodate'.. talk about off the mark...
1 Cor 4:3 says "It matters very little what you or anyone else thinks.. The Lord Himself will examine me and decide."
Now that's a cool thought, esp since I know what He thinks of me.
Was chatting to Adam just now about this, now fair call, I have a gnome tattooed on my back, and fair call I punched my flat mate, but this is who I am. I know that deep down somewhere Addy loves the fact that I'm not "normal".. hey ads?
Am reading this book by Holly Wagner at the moment, it's called God Chicks, so far it is talking about being a 'b u chick'. It's good, but dangerous. At the moment I live in a house with a whole bunch of girls who are all about being themselves, and it gets kinda wild. I love it. There is something awesome about not knowing what is going to happen, and know that whatever does happen you are going to be laughing about it for ever.
So there you have it. A long (possibly the longest yet) post about nothing. I think this is going to become my new theme. Unless of course Addy and I win another ham at the RSL tomorrow for his Bday. Then we'll be straight back to the news..
Saturday, November 25, 2006
Does life get better??
Oh wait, we're just about to woop England, yes, yes, I think life did just get better.
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Are you Australian or what???

After a quick stop at Starbucks we headed to the Opera House to support their bid to become one of the new 7 world wonders. Expecting crowds of 1000's we got there early... talk about over kill. There were honestly about 30 people there, and 10 were staff. And we call ourselves Australians...

But we went, and we supported.
We waved our flags, danced, yelled a bit and I told Sydney what I thought...

Then I went to work, and then picked Kate and Gordo up from the airport, and then I locked my keys in the car, and then I ate Krispy Kremes, and then I went to connect at the beach, and then I went to bed. Tired. But bigger for the experience.
Thursday, November 16, 2006
Taking Time
One of the guys at work had an epileptic fit on Tuesday morning. He was a big guy, and was throwing himself around, yelling, foaming at the mouth and hitting his head against a table.
There was only me and another girl my size there, and we couldn't help him, or stop him from hurting himself.
I ran to get a guy to help us, and he calmed him down while we got the ambulance to come and take him to hospital. But it was horrible. To see someone not be able to stop themselves from hurting themselves like that.
He is all fine now, and we all went out to dinner last night, which was great. For some reason I really wanted to see him ok again, as if I wasn't able to believe it when everyone said that he was ok.
I am going to do a first aid course next week. This is the second time in 3 months that something like this has happened, and next time, I want to know what to do.
Mum used to always say that we should carry the contact details of our friends / family with us when we were traveling, and I used to roll my eyes and move on. But this man needed help, and we knew nothing of his medical history, medication or special needs and had no way of contacting anyone. Mum was right. We need to be a little bit more aware.
Life is what it is. And we are here for the time that we are here. And sometimes you just think about that a little more than you normally do. I know where I am going, and I am so glad for that, more than I can say. But what for those who don't??
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Actually, let me digress for a second... I was chatting with Kimbo and Clare last night, and they both said that they don't get heart attack when they run.. but I'm sure it can't just be me.. It's like a stitch, but in your heart. There is like this stabbing pain in your chest area and you feel like your heart is beating double time.. I'm sure it's not just me.. I haven't smoked in ages, and I don't think I could be still suffering the effects.. anyone else get heart attack?? Ever??
Anyway, back to the point. I decided yesterday that I really don't like running much, which is probably why I don't go so much. So I am going to take up swimming again.
I went yesterday afternoon to the ocean pool near my house. It was amazing. I've been swimming in there a few times, but never with goggles on. There is a whole little world under there.. even fishies! (Kimbo, they are small and totally 100% harmless:)
The only problem I found was that without the lines on the bottom of the pool I can't swim in a straight line! Now it doesn't help that there are these crazy waves crashing all over the place and taking you out, or that you are totally distracted by the life under the sea, but who would have thought those lines made any difference???
I was all over the place, swimming into the walls and taking people out.. Who would have thought swimming was a contact sport?
So expect a brown, fit me when you all see me next.. (ok, for those living in Sydney, this might not be the next time you see me, maybe a few more times after that.. but there will definitely be more brown-ness, and more fitness, and hopefully some more coordination...)
Saturday, November 11, 2006
A bit of colour...
Just finished watching Happy Gilmore, got to love that movie.. Finally got to hear the rhyme again, the one after he smashes the bottle..
He says, "I just may, lay by the bay, with some clay, what do you say.." or something.. anyone know of any web sites that give you movie quotes??
Friday, November 10, 2006
Yeah I won the ham!
So we did. And I won.
The story does go a little deeper than that. You see when at the pub I generally choose not to wear my glasses, and before this has never caused a problem... unfortunately (for Adam) last night I discovered why glasses are good and should be worn EVERY time one is trying to read something.
We were all sitting around waiting for the numbers to be called, and I was trying to set some atmosphere, some expectancy, a little bit of faith.. So I was already kinda excited. And then it happened, they read Adam's number! First call and bam, we win! Talk about excited.
I screamed. We all did. I waved my arms in the air, looked around at everyone as if to say "that's right, that's my brother, taking home the ham!" so we sent him right down to the stage to claim his prize.
It was only then that Kimbo mentioned that she wasn't sure if it actually was his number...
Turns out that without glasses on a 1 really can look like a 7.. they both have a down stroke and a little funny bit at the top..
These are all excuses. Adam, I'm sorry. So sorry. I know I said that a lot last night, but at least today I can say it without falling apart laughing.
Anyone keen for a ham salad sandwich, you know where I am..
Thursday, November 09, 2006
I've decided to draw a line in the sand and just say nothing about what has been happening. Seems like a good plan to me. As I often wonder who is actually reading this, and really if there is a need to tell the whole story.
I have this theory that creating a blog is actually the worst thing you can do when you move to a new city. There are all these people you leave behind who would normally email you to see how things were going who now just check the blog and get an update. Nothing wrong with that, except most times you have no idea they've done that. Talk about potential for insecurity issues! Lucky for me I'm so arrogant it really is quite difficult for me to be insecure.
I don't really know where I am going with this, but I guess the point is that I miss you too Bron, and I am dying to know how you are enjoying the 'good side' of London, and how the new job is going, and if you are still keeping in touch with Saskia, and when you are going to come and visit Australia... I guess I could email, but at the moment all I do is keep checking your blog and hoping that you are going to one day post the answers to my questions... :-)
Sunday, November 05, 2006
Vegas To Syder!

What a trip!!! It was awesome.
Highlights??? Visiting all the churches and seeing how excited they are to get on board with Backpackers! It's awesome. God is building an army.
Staying in a Motel. Never done that before. It was cool. Left something in the car?? No worries, it's just outside the door about 2 m from where you sleep!! Amazing concept.
And just being on the road. It's was awesome to spend time with the girls, and definately fantastic to have Kimbo here!
Sunday, October 29, 2006
Life in Vegas
Went to pick Shelley up from the station last night and my first word of advise was take off your jumper. This place is sooo hot already and it's not even Summer..
Kimbo arrives on Tuesday, and we'll start the road trip on Thursday. Many a photo will follow.
Please excuse the dodgy blogging of late. Will get back in the flow soon.
Friday, October 20, 2006
Yay for Oracle!!
Am going to stay till Thursday, then come back to do washing, and fly to BrisVegas on Saturday!! Yay for travelling!!! Just when you think you are going to scratch your feet off they're so ichy to go somewhere free trips come along!
There was a time when Corinne would cry at everything, and I would point and laugh, but it seems that she had had an effect on me, and now I am affecting Clare, and so the world goes round...
Adam sent me this link. And I cried. Sitting at your desk at 7.30am wiping tears from your eyes is not the sign of a stable woman.. or is it?? maybe we all need to cry more. For the moment, I am going to say that we do. No big theological reasons, just a little self-preservation.
Thursday, October 19, 2006
It's all so quiet... shhhh... shhhh...
Was thinking it was getting a little quiet out there. Turns out I'd chosen the wrong setting with the comment moderation, and while Amy was trying to warn me, she was doing so in the comments, which I was unable to see. Luckily for me she reverted to ye old telephone contact last night, and this morning I have been able to rectify the situation.
So apologies, I was not intentionally ignoring all of you, just being a little blonde..
I was just so outraged at the post-spam. I mean really. How rude. As if emails weren't enough. And to make it worse they pretend to have read your blog, they start by complimenting you on your post, trying to get in your good books, well count me out. I am sorry to say but I don't like these people. If you're one of them, please refrain from posting your rubbish on my blog. This is MY space, where I get to talk about ME, it's all about ME, not you, ME, ME, ME!! (Maybe Bron is right, maybe Australia is chaging me... :-)
Monday, October 16, 2006
Hullabaloo to end all Hullabaloos..
Lesson learnt, no longer will I publicize violent acts on the internet. Although I maintain it was all solicited and therefore in essence not violent, but rather submissive!
I have spent this afternoon / evening on the phone to two amazing friends from London. What a fantastic way to spend the arvo. Got to love it when you can not speak to someone for 6 months, and then just pick up the phone and start right off as if you had never stopped!
Speaking of friends.. am totally excited! Kimbo is coming, and will be here 15 days!!! which means that I got to Brisvegas in 12 days! Which means that I will have my car in Sydney in 20 days! Which means that I will half my trip to church, but more importantly... have some where to sing loudly.
Seriously, flatting with people it's not easy. Where can you sing??? not in the shower, there is too much of an echo, (my singing sounds best when it cannot be heard), not while on your run in the morning (I look crazy enough with the wild hair, let alone the crazy-can't-hardly-breathe-singing) and not while watch idol. I thought the last would be ok, but aparently it's not. So if not here then where??
The answer is in the car, roll down the window, fly down the highway - ok, so in Clemmy (Pees named the car Celmentine in a moment of weakness) in Clemmy it will be more of a roll down the highway and hope for the best.. But Kimbo and I are about to embark on an amazing road trip - my first ever - and I am sooooo excited!
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Fight Club
1. I am a nice person.
2. All activities were solicited.
3. I have not changed. Nothing about me is different.
With that said. I smacked my flat mate it the face last night.
I should probably start at the beginning. We were sitting around the other night talking about the things we've always wanted.. Lots of things came up, cars, boys, big big houses, but then when I heard a black eye I thought, this is my chance. I've always wanted to punch someone.
I just wanted to know what it felt like. You know, in all the movies where they totally smack someone out?? I always wondered how that felt. It fitted perfectly.
So last night when I came home from work we decided that tonight was the night. We had our connect group coming over, so we decided to do it after. (Believe it or not we actually read Matthew 5????? Maybe that was a sign and we should have stopped there...)
So after connect we were standing in the kitchen, looking at eachother, wondering if either of us would have the guts to go through with this, but by this stage, we'd dared eachother, and there was no backing out.
I thought we should move onto the carpet. I mean, what if I hit her so hard she fell over and cracked her head?? Then there was a massive discussion on what angle I should go for.. upper cut?? or just smack her straight in the head??? Was this going to damage my hand???? Anyway, as you can tell this went on for a while.
Then I smacked her in the head.
Next thing I know she's on the ground. Laughing her heart out. All she kept asking was "Is that it???""
Now in my defence I've never hit anyone before. And I was nervous. I don't think I can do it properly. I really don't. I don't think I have it in me to hurt someone. Even if she wants me to.
So we were up till about midnight last night with all of these shenanigans, and I still don't think I was over it by the time I went for my run this morning. Everytime I think about it I randomly start laughing. Loud. And repeatedly. So now I'm a crazy-laugh-to-myself-flat-mate-basher. Have I changed that much?
Sunday, October 08, 2006

moment. I have been meaning to watch it for ages. Very scary.
Have you seen the size of the Super Size Fries???
Am going to leave the full rant to Adam, he does it so well. But just wanted to put my word out there. It's scary. And I pray Australia doesn't go down the same road.
I have been reading The Makers Diet, a book which talks about going back to organics. Although I must admit I did sit on the bus the other day reading this book while eating chocolate bullets... It felt wrong...
Reading this book you realise how little food we eat that isn't actually processed. I, like Pees, have been inspired to eat more fruit and fresh veg. But then when you think about it, most of that isn't organic anyway. Look at the tomatoes you can buy at Coles. So if the fresh fruit and veg isn't right anymore.. then what is ok?
A friend of mine went on a diet a while ago where they are no food that contained numbers in the ingredients. It's tough. There's not so much out there anymore. No milk, no cheese, no cereal, no bread, no juice, definitely no lollies, no spreads, nothing. Just fruit and veg (and they get their numbers before they hit the plate).
The photos have no link to this post, and serve no real purpose other than to try and make the page a little less black, and the post a little less depressing. It worked for me.. guess it's kinda easy to put something bright on the packaging to make the contents look better.
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
Backpackers United
Please check it out.
And feel free to get united.
Sunday, October 01, 2006
Sliding Doors
It also marks the intended date of my return to the UK. I had said that I was going to be back to host conference...
"And now I have a word for you who brashly announce, 'Today - at the latest tomorrow - we're off to such and such a city for the year. We're going to make a business and make a lot of money.' You don't know the fist thing about tomorrow.... Instead, make it a habit to say, 'If the Master wills it and we're still alive, we'll do this or that."
1 John 4 msg
And Proverbs 19:21 says "Many are the plans of a man's heart, but its the Lord's will the prevails."
Guess that's it. Still miss London, a lot sometime, definitely miss all my friends there. But this is where I am, and amazing things are going on here. This plan is far better than my original plan. Hurts to say, but it's true.
Someone asked me the other day how my friends felt about the fact that I wasn't coming back. To tell you the truth I had never asked. There wasn't much that any of us could do about it. Most of my friends didn't ask me how I felt about staying in Australia. There was more an underlying understanding that this was outside of the 'plan' and that God was moving things around to suit His plan.
How great to have friends like that. Yeah we miss each other, but what an amazing support! I know that they know that I would have loved to have stayed. And I know that they know that this is the place for me at the moment.
1 Cor 7 : 17
"And don't be wishing you were someplace else, or with someone else, where you are right now is God's place for you. Live, love, obey and believe right there."
It's good sometimes to stop and take a look at where life would be if we would have gone down the different path.. come home an hour earlier to find our husband in bed with someone else! ok, so that was the movie, but you get the point.
Each decision takes us somewhere. Each one is important. But that being said, even if we make the 'wrong' choice we'll still be learning and growing, and that ultimately is what it is all about.
I love the quote that Kimbo has on her myspace "Even if you are on the right track, you'll still get run over if you just sit there!" Awesome. And so true.
Sometimes it's good to just stop and think. I remember one time when we were moving as kids, I must have been about 5 and Dad was in the back of this big truck moving the fridge or something big and heavy. It was in the middle of a Brisbane summer, where it's like 35 degrees and you sweat the moment you step out of bed.. Dad was moving this thing, and then he just stopped, and sat down. I asked him what he was doing, we still had stuff to move. He turned to me and said, sometimes you need to sit and think, and sometimes you just need to sit.
No idea why that comment has stuck with me for so long, but it has. Guess today is a sit and think time... Just sit times are good too. And coming from London, it's been a challenge learning how to do it again. But it's happening, and it's good.
Am going to go down to the beach and go for a swim and just sit for a bit.
Friday, September 29, 2006
But I hear it calling all the time.. about every time when I'm on the bus on the way home from work and I start thinking about what I am going to cook for dinner, I hear this voice, just a whisper.. so I follow, and I eat at the RSL instead.. at least once a week at the moment.. last week twice...
There was a live band there last night, and a meat tray raffle.. I mean, who knew that they still did that??!!
I asked one of the guys what the salad was made of, he said he didn't know as he threw the remains of the sloppish white stuff into his trolley and left.. So if they don't know.. how will I ever??? But maybe that's ok, maybe I just need to have a little more faith..
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Eyes to see!!!
Jeremiah 5:21
Hear this, you foolish and senseless people, who have eyes but do not see...
That was me, but no more!
It was amazing, he put the little card in front of me, I looked at it, and read it, just like that. No squinting, no placing it on the floor and taking a step back to see if that would help. There's a whole new world out there baby... all this detail.. who would have thought??
Monday, September 25, 2006

Have taken to doing some massive weekend walks lately.. not sure where this has come from.. or why I seem to keep doing it, this photo was taken on last weekends adventure from Manly to the Spit. It was all going well till we found ourselves knee deep in water while popping around the corner to see if we could rejoin the path which had disappeared. Turns out we could, but only after jumping over razor sharp (ok, mildly spiky) rocks which we then had to scale on hands and knees!
We only had one casualty. Poor thing. The knee-deep water suddenly becomes waist high when you slip over.. didn't help that all we could do was ask her to get back in so we could catch it on camera! No major injuries though.
Then this weekend we missioned from Bondi to Maroubra. Talk about a hike. It was good though.. did i mention that it was almost 30 degrees, and through out the whole day we only managed to spot one cloud?? (sorry, can't help myself)
Icecream seems to be becoming a mandatory part of every weekend. Asked mum to bring some Ben and Jerry's back for me... she said no... whatever, it's not like the UK is that far.. they've got freezer bags...
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Cheap as mate!

We discovered the wonder of the Maroubra Seals Club on Sunday night. It's 5 mins walk from my house, and on a Sunday night, they do dinner for $5.50.. beer costs $2.. and there is an all-you-can-eat salad bar (it should be said that you do need to be quite brave to try this one.. we're still trying to distinguish the ingredients..)
But wait, there's more. On Monday to Wednesday dinner only cost $4!! That's right, your heard it, $4. I will cook no more! Seriously though, I was doing some groceries last night (turns out I forgot about a million things in the late night run on Friday - Education tick) and figured that I would cost me more to get the ingredients for dinner than it would to go to the RSL-MATE (Sorry, really having trouble saying RLS without throwing a MAAATE on the end.. )
So I wear my pluggers (flip flops for you non-aussies) ripped jeans, and big hoodie and am totally over dressed! Love it. I'll be there every Monday night if anyone ever wants to come to dinner?? It's awesome hey mate!
Sunday, September 10, 2006
Tick List
Walked over the bridge (tourism) to Amy's party on Friday night, which I must say was awesome and very well hosted. Came home late and stupidly decided to do my groceries on the way home (essentials). Carrying 10kgs of fruit around at midnight is not a good idea, so lesson learnt (education)..
Saturday got up early and read my book for a bit (relaxation), then went into the city and had a look around the market (shopping) then went to help a friend move house (good deed). Saturday night went to church, which was amazing! (God revelation) and then came home and watched the end of The Sound of Music with the flatties (time wasting, but highly enjoyable relaxation).
This morning did the washing (essentials) and then went for a run (exercise) and went to church in the morning, and then had some meetings for backpackers (serving) then got totally soaked in the rain on the way home (adventure).
Am about to go out for dinner with the flatties (family time) before I call Corinne and Nandi(total highlight) and there you have it. All the bases covered. These, I think, are the required components for a great weekend. You know how sometimes you get so involved in what is happening that you actually forget that you have a job to go to?? and your mind doesn't even go there??! Love that.
Thursday, September 07, 2006
What a night
We have created a whole new language, a new vocabulary within the last 5 years to describe the horrible things that are happening. We didn't have the words before, and now we do. I think that's scary. I don't want anymore new words like that.
Now I was going to blog today about the crazy storm we had last night. How the lightning was so bright that it made me feel like I'd been looking into the sun when really I was lying there with my eyes closed. It was awesome. But that seems trivial now. Maybe that's how we do it though, how we continue through this time, we distract ourselves, pretend the threat isn't there...
I know that I am secure and I am certain of where I am going. But what of those who don't know yet? Those who are still deciding? I am not meaning to sound fatalistic (although I know I am) but I was just thinking about it. A guy in my office came into work last Monday morning, felt chest pains, and spent the next two days in hospital, and is still going back for more tests this week.
I appreciate the fact that I am healthy, happy, enjoying life. Sometimes I look at just how many good things are happening and I can't believe it. But deep down, things are not right at the moment. There is too much injustice. Sometimes I think we just need to talk about it a little more. Become a little more aware. The head in the sand stuff won't work for long. Eventually we will realise that even if the weather doesn't look like we want it to above the surface, it is better to live with than a mouth full of sand!
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
Too Far..
So a haircut it is. Found one for $18. Is that a good thing?? At first I was really happy that it was so cheap? But can you get something decent for that price? Maybe I should just pay more and save on hat investments afterwards.. but no, I am going to speak life into this haircut. It is going to be great!
So Tony and Guy, your trainees had better know what they are doing before they are unleashed on my head. Please.. please.. train them well today.
Sunday, September 03, 2006
Friday, September 01, 2006
Full to Overflowing!
That's it, free of charge, with a lovely guy who offered to service it for me! Free! Wireless internet, the lot. We just named it Sebastian.
I can't say how excited I am. If I ever had any doubt that prayers were answered then this was the proof! I gave up asking around, and trying to 'suggest' my miracle into place. This was all Him!!!
Yay!! I am so excited. Backpackers watch out.. If you thought I was writting a lot of documents before.. just you wait!
Will post photos of Sebastian soon!!!
Saturday, August 26, 2006
2nd 1st Swim of the Season!
Then I heard Clarie (a flattie) up getting and strapping on her running boots, sufficiently convicted I got up and went with her.
When we got back the sun was shining just enough for us to be able to justify our first ocean swim! It was amazing. It was a grumpy day yesterday, so the surf was taking out it's anger on the rock pool. As we were in there these massive waves would come over and create havoc in the pool. It was the coolest thing ever. (literally, it was totally freezing!)
Then we came home and have a massive pancake cook up, and i have recently learnt how to do the fip-in-the-air-catch-thing, so I was looking totally cool, (in my mind anyway!)
But it was all in all a totally amazing morning! and it's only 11 am. I love that.
Just thought I'd share.. Got to love blogs... Total self indulgence.. where else can you talk about yourself all the time and be totally justified??
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
Lions and Tigers and Bears
Later in the dream someone gave me a massage and cracked my neck back in place.
What does this mean?? What's with the wild dreams?? Maybe there is something in the water here in Sydney.. Pees - want to come do some research??
Monday, August 21, 2006
Quote of the year!
Changed circumstances rarely changes people’s lives, while changed people inevitably change their circumstances.
Want to know how to be 'happy' in life?? There it is.
Slap Her, She's French
Is there a better way to spend a Friday night than hanging out with friends eating and watch crappy movies.. Amy would argue that they are "classic", but lets be real, they're crap and that's exactly why we love them so much.
Thursday, August 17, 2006
A little bit of Aussie Culture..
After a meeting last night in the City I got home at about 8, ate some dinner (highly nutritious re-heated quiche and an engligh muffin) and went to bed early to read. At about 10.30 I got a call from a friend who was in the area and wanted to drop in for a cup of tea! How great it that!
Now as long as the ground rules are set, and people know that when they drop in they are not allowed to make any judgments as to how they find you it think it's great. Shelley was kind enough not to comment on the hot pink PJ pants, wild hair and pink fluffy slippers that greeted her at the door. We had a lovely chat, and cup of tea, more of a chat and she was on her way! I love this culture. Bring on the surprise visit I say!
Note: One should definitely call 2-3 mins before one drops in at such a late hour to ensure that one does not wake other one's entire household..
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
One for Mish
Also.. check these photos of what happened in the city today??!!

No it's not London.. although you are forgiven for thinking it was.. couldn't quite believe what was happening.. but there you have it.. snow (ok, ice from the sky) in Sydney!
I'm not sure if this is just becoming my nature, or maybe I am watch too many self help TV programs like Super Nanny and Honey, We're Killing the Kids, but I can't stop watching people. I look at the way they treat their kids, how they handle the latest tantrum, do they give in and let little Bobbie have the lollie. Most times yes, and most times the kid turns around 5 seconds later and starts screaming about something else.
When did I become so judgmental? Who am I to comment on how people raise their kids? I think there is this whole culture being developed by these programs that make us think it is ok to judge on others. Do I have 3 kids? Do I have a mortgage? Do I have to drive to tennis, netball, chess club and extra tutorials for Bobbie because he just can't quite understand what his maths teacher is talking about??
I, at the moment, am busy looking after me. Just me. If I get hungry at night I cook dinner, if not, I don't (don't tell mum). If I want to go and play tennis or go for a run I do, if not I don't. I cannot even begin to imagine what it is like looking after 3 kids. Jessica (my cousin) and I spent about 3 months together. That was enough for me. She would go to sleep, I would rejoice and run out the back as fast as I could to be able to fit in as many ciggies as I could before she woke up. There was no Super Nannying going on there. And she was just one!
So Super Nanny good for you if you can handle it. But who is looking after your kids while you go and stay with these 'families in need'?? Do you even have kids?? Do they each partake in 3 or more extracurricular activities?? None of these parents in Coles have stopped to ask me my opinion of how they raise their kids. Maybe, just maybe their busy doing the best they can, and instead of having me looking at them with a disapproving eye, what they really need is just a smile and a look that says ‘you’re doing alright!’
Friday, August 11, 2006
Why is it that somepeople can remember things and other can't?? I even know some people who remember things that they don't want to?? How does that work? What can I do to make it better??
After sometimes unknowingly tripple booking myself on a night while I was in London I have taken to keeping a diary, which seems to be working (except for last weekend, so sorry Adam!!). When I think of things that I need to do I even jot them down on a little list in my diary. But where does it stop?? I can't write everything down!? I have to remember something... somtimes... surely.
To be honest I think I am suffering the effects of being away from Corinne for too long. Don't know how many times she said to me "But weren't you going to go to ____ tonight??" to which I'd freak out, stress, worry about how I was going to tell someone yet again that I was going to have to cancel.. Don't get me wrong.. Corinne's memory is not the only thing I love about that girl.. but geez I miss it sometimes!!
So when the flash of memory comes, and I remember my profoud thought from yesterday, I will be sure to post it for all to share.. that's if I can remeber my log-in, or even the fact that I have a blog, or where work is.. ohh the stress of it all!!!
Thursday, August 10, 2006
Because we can
I remember doing the 40-hour famine every year almost as a kid. I used to love it.. Mind you, I was totally rubbish at the fasting, and would eat so many of those little lollies that you were allowed.. sorry, I digress.. the point was to say that the cause lives on, we're not there yet, there is still a lot to be done!
There are a group of us planning a trip to Africa in June 2007. We are going to go and build a house for 6 - 8 aids orphaned kids and their new house mum. It's easy to think that helping 6 kids amongst all those thousands isn't going to make much of a difference.. And yeah, it would be great if we could do something for all of them, but for the moment, this is the opportunity that God has given us.
We have all been given something to work with. Whether it be our intellect, finances, oratory skills or friendships; these are our gifts. We can choose where we invest them. This is but one option. This is where I, along with others, am going to focus my energies. I pray that you would find your vision too. Find the thing that breaks your heart, and then not allow yourself to be crushed by the enormity of it, or by the injustice, but that you would find hope. And from that, you would work towards something better.
If you want to help financially with what the House Builders are doing please follow this link. Please also pray for us as a group but also for all of us, that we would not settle and be happy to leave things as they are and hope that some institution will do something to change things. It doesn't have to be this way. There is a better option. Lets fight for it!
Monday, August 07, 2006
It was just a perfect nights sleep, Mumbles had sent my duvet down from Brissie, there was rain on the roof, my teddy was all tucked in, and most importantly, I was more than 20cm off the ground.
What more could a girl ask for?
Thursday, August 03, 2006
First Swim of the Season
I got home from work yesterday feeling really restless. This whole being home more than 1 night a week is taking a bit of getting used to. So when Sophie announced that the pool was now safe to swim in, the choice seemed obvious. It was surprisingly easy to convince my flatties to join in... Ok, so we did have to threaten each other with 2 months straight on the cleaning rota, but in the end we all made it!
For about 3 seconds I think. But the details aren't all that important.
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
My little Pinkie!
In an effort to begin my savings plan to get me to Africa / London / Brazil next year I went to the bank this week to open a new account. As we sat and discussed the finer details of my finances, I looked up to see what had to be one of the cutest things ever. I've called it Pinkie. It's mine now. I own one. She sits in my wallet (where she will stay until Thursday.. got to love pay day!!!). I have taken to looking at her every now and then, is that bad??
But I was thrown into turmoil when arranging for Pinkie to be mine. Being generally quite frugal I really wasn't sure if I could quite justify it.. How much is she worth.. your thoughts would be appreciated, but to me, she's worth $12 a year.. not too bad I didn't think.

Saturday, July 29, 2006
A promise is a promise

Thought I should probably explain the last one.. as Shelley and I were walking back to start unpacking the car I saw this Teddy on the road. When I went to move him to the side, (not wanting him to get run over!) his legs fell off. I can't tell you how disturbing it was. I didn't mean to hurt him I swear it!
Friday, July 28, 2006
Small but really good things..
Let me tell you about only the last few hours of last night as an example.
1. I decided that being new to the city I should stop taking buses and walk around a bit more getting to know the area.. firstly, unlike the rest of the week it wasn't raining! Then I got lost, but used my 'phone a friend' card, and got found again.
2. I went to coffee with a friend who blessed me with a card thingy so I can buy my groceries next week! Just the right thing, at the right time! I had been praying for exactly that the night before.
3. I was given a package sent from a friend in London with hundreds of different facinating clippings from newspapers, a couple of magazines, a georgous card, and generally lots of lovely things that said I've been thinking of you.
4. I was given a bed! (Well, ok, I was told that there was a bed that I could come and pick up, she didn't actually give it to me on the spot!! ;-)
5. Then as I got home I finished reading the second book of the Mark of the Lion series (seriously good) and the ending was perfect; not too mushy, not too hard.
And this was all in a 4 hour period! So today is Friday, and day 5 of my new job. Everything is good, great actually.
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
Small things.
First, God showed me the most amazing sunrise over the water as I was walking to the bus stop. I tried to take a photo to capture the moment, but it just wouldn't work. You know when the sun tries to burst through the thick (seperated - and thus australian) rain clouds, and just produces the most amazing colouful rays of sunshine??
Then, I got to the city super (like an hour) early, and went to go read somewhere, but on the way came across chanel 7's recording studio. There they all were, all my favourite Sunrise buddies, filming as I watched! Talk about cool, tried to wave to you Kate, but Nat was doing the news, and they were looking all serious. How cool, you had better believe I be walking that way every morning, even if it does take another 10 mins, somethings, some small things, are worth getting excited about!
Friday, July 21, 2006
Homeless... not me!!!
And in true style, God didn't just give me any place, oh no, this is by the beach, with a heated pool out the back, a nice big aussie home, with wait for it... ocean views!!
I love blogs, where else can you brag to the whole world??!!
Thank you for your prayers! Will definately post photos soon, (I know I've said that before, I mean it this time though, really I do!)
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
I'm an aunty!
Got it!
After saying no to a million (ok, about 5) things that just weren't right, I got the call yesterday to say I got the job I wanted! It's right in the middle of the city, working for a big company, doing logistics / coordination, and the best bit.. the hours are 8-4, so every day in the summer I will be on the beach by 5pm!
I am going to have a look at another house tomorrow, two streets back from the beach, which sounds awesome! I have been so amazingly blessed to be able to stay here with Amy and Shelley, and will actually be a little sad to go as their good company is just a little too easy to get used to, but I want to live at the beach, and God has been answering everything at the moment with a resounding yes. So I am going to keep believing for the best!
How funny that soon I will have a permanent address and a job to go to everyday. I think it is going to be quite a shock to the system!
Saturday, July 15, 2006
Got to check this!!
And while we're here.. Did you see the score on the Rugby??
Thursday, July 13, 2006
Interesting travel experiences are becoming a bit of a theme for me at the moment, last night on my way home I tried to hail a cab, and was getting quite annoyed when one driving passed slowed down to look at me but didn't stop, I mean, I wasn't wearing all purple, I looked quite normal, was wearing the traditional interview suit (maybe it was the ugly bag.. ??? hmmm.. hadn't thought of that one..) but as the car drove passed it all became clear.. this was no cab, oh no, I my infinite wisdom I was attempting to hail a NRMA truck (Roadside assistance for those not from Oz)... If this is what happens when I have my glasses on what hope is there really??
Monday, July 10, 2006
This week has just been amazing. Photos will follow (I think I might have said that before..) but conference was just huge. There were 26,000 delegates by day, and two night sessions with another who knows how many people in them. It was just so good to see and feel how important the local church was to everyone there. Big things are happening, and it is amazing to be apart of it.
I am at the Central Coast (sorry Ringo, you were wrong.. it's near Gosford, and some weird place called The Entrance...) staying with Amy. My thought was that there is always time to go job hunting, and when you get the opportunity to go and see stuff you should go.
I watched a TV program last night where they take everything you eat during the week and place it on a table infront of you.. don't think about this too long if you want to enjoy your food, but it is quite a concept. This week, my table is going to hold mostly fruit and veg if it's the last thing I do... and maybe just one or two TimTams.. you need a little bit of something every now and then!
Monday, July 03, 2006
Safe and Sound
My wonderful cousin was there to pick me up at the airport, and helped me mission the ginormous bags home on the bus. She has the most lovely house at Rose Bay, such a homely place. Then we were up at 5.30 for a run to Bondi and made it in time to see the sun just pretending to come up over the skyline. Can it get any better than this??
Conference starts tonight, and have been busy trying to get into contact with everyone so we can all meet up. So looking forward to seeing the guys from London, just want to convince myself that it did all really happen, and it wasn't just some sort of elaborate dream. Plus rumour has it that some hugs were sent with these guys.. so definately looking forward to cashing in!
The guys next to me's phone just rang, his ring tone is of his kids screaming "Daddy pick up the phone!!" How cute is that!!
Off to adventure some more.. will try to get back here to blog this week, but not sure that I will make it.. Love to all
Saturday, July 01, 2006
The things you see..

Melbourne really does seem to have some real personality to it. No one really seems to know how to park, but I guess they make up for it with their amazing ability to negociate Trams and left turns from right lanes.. I took Pees's car for a quick spin, nearly died, twice, lucky she didn't see or hear..
I got out the suitcase this morning, and started to think about packing again, didn't act on those thoughts.. one step at a time I say. But off to Sydney tomorrow ready for conference to start on Monday night. Can't wait honestly.
As for the photo, we saw this on the way back from wedding dress shopping today (luckly you all know me well enough to know we were not shopping for me ;-) as saw this drowned clown. Not the most common thing and not something I could just walk passed. So thought I'd share. There has to be a lesson in there somewhere about still smiling even when you're head is underwater.. Guess he still had a good view of the stars.. (tears, I know..)
Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Turns out Melbourne is kinda cool. On Monday I went exploring, while I carried a map for extreme circumstances, I maintained my theory or always turn left and managed to discover some cool stuff.
There was this one bike store I went into where the guy started telling me about his plans to take his girlfriend to Tangalooma where he was going to propose. Weird that he would choose to share, the whole story took about 20 mins. Guess it was a lonely place to work...
Aside from that I went with Pees to listen to her talk about water samples. Also very interesting, who would have thought there was so much to say about water??
Going this arvo to see some beach somewhere, (please excuse the lack of detail, that's never really been my strong point!) ;-) which should be great as it's almost 8 degrees, so it should be a lovely day to get some sun! Will let you know.
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
The Wedding

You will have to excuse the angle of the photo, please just turn your heads to the left. I know that isn't much of a spirit of excellence, but I am not on the fastest of computers, and am not willing to wait another 10 mins for another photo to load.
Aside from all that, this is my mothers wedding!! It was a total hit. Mum looked absolutely beautiful; the rain held off all day, the food was fantastic, as was the cake!
After a slightly stressful week it was wonderful to be able to celebrate in style and that we did. It was only when I went to upload the photos this morning that I found the "extras" my family had lovingly taken of me in bed framed with a bottle of red! It wasn't me, I swear!
Anyway, more stories will follow detailing the adventures in Melbourne. But for the moment I am missing all you londoners more than I thought possible! Love to all
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
It's all about the Mullet
If I thought I was sporting a mullet when I left London then I was seriously mistaken. This is the mullet to end all mullets.
I also have what my very camp colorist called a "halo of cooler darling". Interesting, it all looks very interesting...
How many cups of tea is too many??
Other exciting things rather than just tea drinking went on this weekend.. I bought a new handbag!! Was asked if I was "over 30 and single" by a man that personified all that is wrong with today's church. Collected another sister from the airport. And managed to eat a gooey chocolate Sundae while driving and talking on my hands free! Life is won one small success at a time!
Today is my last day of work. And while I have complained often about the lack of activity, the thought of not having endless hours to sit and dream of things to look up on the net is quite daunting. While I'm on the subject, can I recommend my personal favorite?
So once again I am unemployed. Or in transition as we say. Transitioning from one job to another, one city to another, one church to another. Bring it on I say. Sydney is going to be cool.
Friday, June 16, 2006
A Weird Form of Theatre
When we went to stand at the gate I saw the strangest thing. There were these rows and rows of chairs, set up like a movie theatre. Instead of a screen there were big double glass doors which would open intermittently to release the latest pair of travelers. It was weird. It just felt wrong.
The lady sitting beside mum and I seemed quite friendly, and was willing to engage in a conversation about the awkward height of the barricade (designed to keep us 'welcomers' out of the restricted areas) which blocked the faces of those waiting to be welcomed, but from the other welcomers there was nothing but animosity.
While in London I told every one who was willing to listen that we were a lot nicer in Australia. It's not true, it's just not. Everyone who comes to London always talks about getting on the tube, and how strange it is that no one looks at anyone else, or speaks to them.. Well I don't know what city they're comparing London too, coz they certainly don't talk here.
I took a photo of Elissa and Bapi coming in this morning, and in the foreground you can clearly see a girl with an jealous snarl on her face.. Well it's not my fault that my family came through first. It was not a personal attack on her. What a meanie.
I don't know why I am so obsessed with people being nice to each other at the moment. I just am. Would it hurt to smile a bit??
Thursday, June 15, 2006
Finally Friendly..
So... While swimming I have been campaigning to chat with people or at least get them to manage a hello. After all, a lane is not such a large space, and if we are going to have to share it with 4 others, we might as well be friendly about it.
My first attempt on Tuesday went terribly... A guy got into my lane just before I was coming in for the turn at the shallow end. I was torn between stopping to say "hi, welcome to the lane, how you going" or just keeping going till I had finished my set of 10, or maybe just a quick smile would be enough...
Turns out it was ALL wrong... as I came in for my turn I decided to go with the friendly welcoming smile (I am a Host after all!), problem being I did it half way through the turn, so what he saw was a crazed girl, desperate for breathe with oversized blue goggles half full of water (creating the fish tank effect) hair in a total bum-part poking her head out of the water to look up at him with a frenzied smile.
He looked scared. Seriously frightened. Not at all apreciative of my welcoming efforts.
But, not to be put off I tried again. Last night I saw a girl who obviously was getting that horrible cramp you get in your big toe, so I stopped, calmly at the end of my set, said hi and gently enquired about the cramp, which led into friendly conversation about salt deprivation. See we can be nice, and not only to bus drivers!
Sunday, June 11, 2006
Long Weekends...
And apart from keeping a few major commitments I was just going to do what I felt like doing.
I know that this might not sound like a novel concept to some, but for a long time now I have been used to planning every hour, and it has been wonderful to just play things by ear.
I can't say how good it has been to be back in the same city as my family (well, most of them anyway). It's just awesome to be able to flow from one family gathering to another. My latest decision is that my family is cool. Profound, I know.
I have also realized recently that I only have another 2 weekends left in Brisbane, so suddenly I am faced with the thought of packing again! Luckily that by now I have moved so many times that I don't actually own that much anymore!
Enough random thoughts for now. Love to all!
Thursday, June 08, 2006
There should be rules!
After my 4th trip to the pool after work, on what is supposed to be a relaxing time of contemplation I am beginning to get some Swimmer's Rage. It drives me nuts. Some people just don't seem to know the rules
1. There should be no kick-boards in the fast lane. When you are doing kick, you are going SLOW not FAST, so move over honey!
2. No-one should be allowed to swim butterfly when sharing a lane with others. Esp if you are a large Bapi-sized man.
3. And I think we should talk more. Funny, I tried to chat with the girls in my lane last night, and they just stared.. What, don't want to be friendly?? Why can we say hi to the bus driver and have a good chat with him, yet it's not ok to chat with the fellow swimmers?
4. We are not in Europe. One must exercise decency when using the changing rooms!
I'm not usually for rules. Actually, that might be a lie, I think I am for rules. Rules can be good. Like, don't leave your crap around the flat when living in a share house (I could actually hear the sigh of relief when I left # 48!) And always get a hair cut once your sideburns reach below your jaw line (mine is going to have to happen next week, although I live if fear of another hair-dresser aside from Kimbo) .
I get that these things might only be important to me. And I get that you cannot control the behavior of others. And I get that I should remove the log from my own eye before try to get the spec from another’s. But I also get that I now have a Blog. Where I can post whatever I want. The perfect ranting space! What an awesome concept!
Monday, June 05, 2006
Not to be out-done!

I was a little suppressed to see the flurry of blogging activity over the past few days. I'm all for it to be honest. Although I was a little put out by my sisters ability to change the color of the text and post a photo. After spending most of the weekend trying to convince myself that it is ok, and I don't need to compete on every level, it is now 8.56am Monday morning, and I am about to post my first photo!
Where does this need to not be out-done come from??
Many of you know my good friend Angela. One day while innocently traveling on the tube to Leatherhead she put out a challenge for me to "surf" all the way. (this is where you stand in the middle of the train, holding you host shirt on a hanger, backpack on the shoulder, and fall about the cabin in a stubborn refusal to hold on!) We once travel the full 45 mins to Leathers that way. What would posses someone to do that? The same thing I suppose that makes us try to be the first one to call our mothers on mothers day (for the record, I gave the first hug, first happy mothers day, and was the only one to give flowers this year!!) the same thing that keeps us running at 5.30 when the sun hasn't even bothered to get up yet, and that makes the retail world go round.
That last one is a bit of a sore spot at the moment. I went to try and find a new bag over the weekend, the need for which I believe was quite justified (please refer to the previous blog). But came home with a new pair of trousers and 4 new tops, and still came to work this morning with the moldy black strappy box.
A friend has come to the rescue (as God always seems to have them do!) and voluntered to come bag and shoe shopping with me on Thursday. I will be sure to let you know how it goes!
Thursday, June 01, 2006
Welcome to the Adventures of Sez
So here goes. Strange, but I am actually a little nervous about the whole thing. The concept of sharing your thoughts and actions with the unison public is oddly unsettling. But, as you all know, I have nothing to hide.
So for those who are a little behind in the episodes of my adventures, I am currently working for a Govt. Dept. In George Street. After the initial excitement at getting the job wore off I realized I had signed myself up for a fashion nightmare. I was able to find a suit jacket that would go (well, at least in part) with most of my clothes.
Which then only left the hand bag to be sorted. I have never been a hand-bag kinda girl. But wearing a suit and an over-the-shoulder-slightly-ripped-brown-thing was just not an option.
So I pulled out the beast I had bought for my 14th birthday when I first went job hunting. It's a huge, square, loopy handled, black (once the moldy spots had been removed) and very motherly! So needless to say I look a sight. But they have just today decided to keep me until I go to Sydney, so I guess it can't all be that bad!
So there we have it. Hope you all enjoyed the first installments!